Unité néonatale

English versions

Parenting in the neonatal unit

It is with great pleasure that we present to you a series of video clips that have the goal of supporting the parent-baby bond in neonatal units. Each clip highlights the importance of parents to their babies, all the while encouraging the parent-premature baby relationship via a special approach to day-to-day care.

This approach can continue to be applied upon discharge home, as well as with full-term babies.

This project is the result of collaboration between the Centre d’études interdisciplinaires sur le développement de l’enfant et la famille (CEIDEF) of the University du Québec à Trois-Rivières and Préma-Québec. Production of these videos has been made possible through financial support from the CEIDEF and the Fonds des services aux collectivités du Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec.

We would like to thank the staff of the healthcare centers who welcomed us into their walls as well as the parents who allowed us to capture these images of their babies.

Special thanks to Elissa Remmer, Nursing Professional Development Educator at McGill University Health Centre for the English speaking voice.

N.B. The content of these videos is also available as PDF files.

Kangarou care

Parenting in the neonatal unit
8 minutes 40
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)


Parenting in the neonatal unit
5 minutes 10
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)

Diaper change

Parenting in the neonatal unit
7 minutes 30
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)


Parenting in the neonatal unit
6 minutes
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)

Soothing methods

Parenting in the neonatal unit
5 minutes 25
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)


Parenting in the neonatal unit
8 minutes 20
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)


Parenting in the neonatal unit
7 minutes 40
(nouvelle fenêtre, PDF)