
Genest, D. et Miceli, D. Activation différentielle des voies encéphaliques aviaires suivant l'exposition passive ou une discrimination active de stimuli visuels. 77e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Ottawa, Mai 2009.

Veilleux-Malenfant, A. et Miceli, D. Arg3.1/Arc : gène de la mémoire : vos interneurones apprennent-ils? ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, mai 2007.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Kuhl, D. Brain expression of the immediate-early gene arg3.1 is induced during the initial encoding of novel auditory stimuli in mice. 2nd Mediterranean Neuroscience Conf., Marakech, Morroco, December 2006.

Miceli, D., Piché, M., Repérant, J., Plath, N., Plante, B. and Kuhl, D. Cortical expression of the synaptic activity-regulated arg3.1 gene to novel or familiar auditory stimuli in C57BL/6 and anophthalmic ZRDCT/An mice. Federation of European Neuroscience (FENS) Vienna, Austria, July 2006.

Plante, B., Veilleux, A., Miceli, S., Pearson, M. et Miceli, D. Effet d'exposition à un stimulus visuel nouveau sur l'expression cérébrale du gène arg3.1 chez la souris. 64e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université McGill, Montréal, mai 2006.

Plante, B. et Miceli, D. Effet d'exposition à une stimulation nouvelle ou familière sur l'expression cérébrale du gène arg3.1 chez la souris. XVIIIe Congrès de la Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie (SQRP) Montréal, mars 2006.

Miceli, D., Plath, N., Repérant, J. Bronchti, G., Piché, M. and Kuhl, D. Synaptic arg3.1 and neuronal c-fos activity-related immediate early gene expression in the mouse brain associated with audiogenetic stress. EWCBR Conference, Les Arcs, France, March 2005.

Miceli, D., Plath, N., Repérant, J. Bronchti, G., Piché, M. and Kuhl, D. Auditory-induced synaptic plasticity in the occipital cortex of anophthalmic mice is associated with activation of the immediate early gene arg3.1. Winter Conference on Neural Plasticity, Guadeloupe, February 2005.

Tremblay, R., Miceli, D. et Bronchti, G. Comparaison de deux souris aveugles, modèles de cécité précoce. Réunion Réseau Vision, Drummondville, novembre 2004.

Le Houllier, J-F., Miceli, D. et Bronchti, G. Développement post-natal des connectionstransmodales dans le cerveau de souris anophtalmes. Réunion Réseau Vision, Drummondville, novembre 2004.

Chabot, N., Piché, M., Lepore, F., Guillemot, J.P., Bronchti, G. and Miceli, D. Auditory activity in visual cortex of anophthalmic and monophthalmic rats. Soc. Neurosci., San Diego, October 2004.

Robert, S., Piché, M., Miceli, D. et Bronchti, G. Influence du milieu sur l'activation auditive des structures visuelles dans le cerveau de souris aveugles. Conférence ACFAS, Montréal, mai 2004.

Chabot, N., Miceli, D. et Bronchti, G. Plasticité neuronale intra- et inter-modale chez le rat. Conférence ACFAS, Montréal, mai 2004.

Miceli, D. Control of retinal "attention" by the centrifugal visual system. Session : "How the retina and the brain talk to each other". Organiser : J Erichsen, EWCBR Conference, Les Arcs, France, March 2004.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Rio, J.-P. A functional anatomical model of the avian centrifugal visual system and comparisons with other vertebrates. 6th IBRO Congres of Neuroscience, Prague, Czech Rep., July 2003.

Robitaille, N, Piché, M, Bronchti, G, Miceli, D., Lepore, F and Guillemot, J.-P. Neuronal responses to auditory stimulation in the visual cortex of early enucleated rats. Conference on Brain Plasticity, Turin, Italy, July 2003.

Piché, M., Robitaille, N., Miceli, D., Lepore, F., Guillemot, J.-P. and Bronchti, G. Auditory activation of visual structures in the neonataally enucleated rat : a c-fos study. Conference on Brain Plasticity, Turin, Italy, July 2003.

Miceli, D. and Repérant, J. Organisation and evolution of the centrifugal visual system in birds compared with other vertebrates. Session: "Comparative studies on the evolution of the Vertebrate visual system". Co-organisers: D. Miceli and G. Innocenti, EWCBR Conference, Les Arcs, France, March 2003.

Hains, P. et Miceli, D. Capacités discriminatives d'intensité en fonction de la position de stimuli visuels déterminés chez le pigeon par une méthode d'écran tactile. Congrès SQRP, UQTR, octobre 2002.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Rio, J.P. and Medina, M. Serotonergic raphe projections in the centrifugal visual system of birds and rodents. A light and electron microscopic study. Conférence ARVO, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, April 2002.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Rio, J.P. and Medina, M. Centrifugal serotonergic raphe projections modulating retinal ganglion cell responses in birds and rodents. An anatomical light and electron microscopic study. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, 2001.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Medina, M. and Rio, J.P. Comparative anatomy of centrifugal brain projections modulating retinal ganglion cell activity in birds and mammals. EWCBR Conference, Bourg St. Maurice, France, March 2001.

Miceli, D., C. Hudon, J. Repérant and G. Massicotte. Differential regulation of NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors in the pigeon visual system following early retinal lesions. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, May 2000.

Miceli, D., J. Désilets and J.P. Rio. Quantitative ultrastructural immunogold demonstration of glutamate afferent synaptic terminals in the pigeon centrifugal visual system. EWCBR Conference, Villars, Suisse, March 2000.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Désilets, J. and Rio, J-P. An electron microscopic immunocytochemical study of tectal GABA and glutamate afferent projections upon the centrifugal visual system in the pigeon. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, May 1999.

Fraser P., Repérant, J. et Miceli, D. Rôle des interneurones GABAergiques dans la réorganisation du système visuel suite à une lésion rétinienne précoce chez le pigeon. ACFAS, Québec, 1999.

Miceli, D., Bertrand, C and Repérant, J. ChAT, NOS and GABA immunoreactivity in the pigeon centrifugal visual system and brainstem projection neurons. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, May 1998.

Mayotte, N, Martinoli, M-G. et Miceli, D. L'expression de l'homéogène Pax-6 au cours du développement embryonnaire du cerveau de poulet. ACFAS, Québec, mai 1998.

Hudon, C., Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Massicotte, G. Distribution of NMDA and AMPA glutamate receptors in the pigeon visual system and their differential regulation following early retinal lesions. EWCBR Conference, Les Arcs, France, March 1998.

Miceli, D., Herbin, M., Repérant, J. and Roy, G. Effects of early lesions of areas 17 and 18 on the development of visual thalamo-cortical projections in the cat. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, May 1997.

Hudon, C, Miceli, D et Massicotte, G. Distribution des récepteurs du glutamate AMPA et CNQX dans le système visuel du pigeon et effets d'une lésion rétinienne précoce. ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, mai 1997.

Mayotte, N., Martinoli, M-G. et Miceli, D. L'expression du gène homéoboite Emx1 au cours du développement embryonnaire du cerveau de poulet. ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, mai 1997.

Bertrand, C. et Miceli, D. Identification neurochimique des systèmes afférents au noyau isthmo-optique de la voie visuelle centrifuge chez le pigeon. ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, mai 1997.

Durif, C., Camps, J-F., Casteras, V., Miceli, D. et Melan, C. Apprentissage d'une série chromatique de trois items chez le pigeon; procédure de libre correction. ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, mai 1997.

Miceli, D., Herbin, M., Repérant, J., Durif, C. and Roy, G. Postnatal development of thalamo-cortical visual projections and effects of neonatal lesions of areas 17/18 in the cat. EWCBR Conference, Les Arcs, France, March 1997.

Miceli, D. and Repérant, J. The avian centrifugal visual system. Functional anatomy and possible role in visual attention. Avian Brain and Behaviour Meeting, Tihany, Hungary, August 1996.

Bertrand , C. et Miceli, D. L'organisation de la voie rétino-thalamo-hyperstriatale chez le pigeon mise en évidence par une technique de traçage axonale rétrograde transynaptique. ACFAS, Montréal, mai 1996.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J and Bertrand, C. Retinal projections to the pigeon visual cortex demonstrated by retrograde transynaptic transport of the fluorescent dye RITC. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, April 1996.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Bertrand, C. Retinal ganglion cells lebeled from the pigeon visual cortex by retrograde transneuronal transport of the fluorescent dye RITC. EWCBR Conference, Serre-Chevalier, France, March 1996.

Miceli, D. Repérant, J. and Medina, M. A neurochemical study of retinal projection neurons and their afferent connections in the quail. ARVO Conference, Ft-Lauderdale, USA, May 1995.

Kratskin, I and Miceli, D. (Session co-organizors) "Centrifugal Control in Sensory Systems", EWCBR, Alpe d'Huez, France, March 1995.

Miceli, D. Repérant, J. and Rio, J-P. Functional anatomy and neurochemistry of the avian centrifugal visual system. EWCBR, Alpe d'Huez, France, March 1995.

Miceli, D. Repérant, J. and Rio, J-P. An electron microscopic study of GABAergic input upon centrifugal visual neurons (NIO) in the pigeon. ARVO Conference, Sarasota, USA, May 1994.

Miceli, D. and Repérant, J. Possible homologies between the multiple visual cortical areas of birds and mammals. EWCBR Conference, La Plagne, France, March 1994.

Repérant, J., Miceli, D. and Rio, J-P. Synaptic organization of inhibitory innervation of retinal projecting neurons in the pigeon. EWCBR Conference, La Plagne, France, March 1994.

Miceli, D., Bavikati, R. and Repérant, J. A combined serotonin immunohistofluorescent and retrograde transneuronal tracing study of afferent projections upon the avian centrifugal visual system. ARVO Conference, Sarasota, USA, May 1993.

Roy, G., Marchand, L. et Miceli, D. Etude développementale quantitative des efférences thalamiques sur les aires visuelles 17/18, suprasylvienne et ectsylvienne chez le chat. Conférence ACFAS, Rimouski, mai 1993.

Trottier, C., Marchand, L. et Miceli, D. Mise en évidence de la voie rétino-thalamo-hippocampique chez le pigeon (Columba livia). Conférence ACFAS, Rimouski, mai 1993.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Bavikati, R. Brainstem serotononergic input from n. linearis caudalis -raphe upon the avian centrifugal visual system. EWCBR Conference, La Plagne, France, March 1993.

Miceli, D., Rio, J-P., Repérant, J., Marchand, L. and Medina, M. Pontine oculomotor input to the centrifugal visual system may modulate retinal sensitivity related to gaze. ARVO Conference, Sarasota, USA, May 1992.

Miceli, D., Rio, J-P. and Repérant, J.The centrifugal visual system: dynamic modulation of retinal sensitivity related to eye movements. EWCBR Conference, La Plagne, France, March 1992.

Ward, R., Repérant, J. and Miceli, D. Evolution of the centrifugal visual system. NATO Advanced Study Institute, Rome, Italie, June 1991.

Miceli, D., Rio, J.P., Spada, A., Repérant, J. and Marchand, L.  A combined transneuronal axonal tracing and immunohistofluorent study of the avian centrifugal visual system.  Internat Conference. Brain Res. Org. (IBRO) Montréal, August 1991.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Spada, A. and Rio, J.P.  The origin of afferent input to the pigeon centrifugal visual system and functional implications. ARVO Conference, Sarasota USA, May 1991.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Medina, M. and Rio, J.P.  A neuroanatomical and immunohistochemical study of the avian centrifugal visual system.  EWCBR Conference, Crans, Suisse, March 1991.

Rio, J.-P., Repérant, J., Miceli, D., Vesselkin, N.P. and Medina, M.  Evidence of GABAergic neurons in the dorsal thalamic visual relay structure in reptiles.  Europ. Neurosci. Assoc./EBBS, Stockholm, September 1990.

Pierre, J., Challet, E., Miceli, D. and Repérant, J.  An immunocytochemical study of the serotoninergic innervation of primary visual centers in non-mammalian vertebrates.  Europ Neurosci. Assoc./EBBS, Stockholm, September 1990.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Medina, M., Rio, J.-P., and Marchand, L.  Distribution of thalamic GABA-immunopositive and visual relay neurons projecting to the avian hyperstriatum and hippocampus.  Europ. Winter Conf. Brain Res., Les Arcs, France, March 1990.

Repérant, J., Rio, J.-P., Miceli, D., Vesselkin, N.P., Dalil, N. and Botteri, C.  Ganglion cell types, centrifugal fibres and GABA immunoreactivity in the inner lamprey retina.  Europ. Winter Conf. Brain Res., Les Arcs, France, March 1990.

Miceli, D. and Repérant, J. Multiple visual pathways in the pigeon thalamo-Wulst system.  Bird Vision and Cognition Conference, Bielefeld, Germany, September 1989.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Marchand, L. and Weidner, C. Parallel and convergent visual pathways in the avian thalamo-Wulst system. A.R.V.O., Sarasota, May 1989.

Repérant, J., RIO, J.P., Miceli, D., Vesselkin, N.P. et Medina, M. Analyse comparative du système visuel des vertébrés. 3ème Coll. Nat. Neurosci., Montpellier, mai 1989.

Rio, J-P., Repérant, J., Miceli, D. et Vesselkin, N.P.Mise en evidence d'une voie visuelle centrifuge chez les cyclostomes. 3ème Coll. Nat. Neurosci., Montpellier, mai 1989.

Repérant, J., Rio, J.P., Miceli, D. and Vesselkin, N.P. Degeneration and synaptic remodelling in the partially deafferented optic tectum. EWCBR Conference, Les Arcs, France, March 1989.

Miceli, D. and Repérant, J. Organization and development of the visual system. (Workshop chairmen , speakers: G. Blasdel, J. Bullier, D. Frost, H. Cooper, G. Innocenti, G. Orban ) European Winter Conf. on Brain. Res., Tignes, France, March 1988.

Repérant, J., Vesselkin, N.P., Miceli, D. and Rio, J-P. Anatomical organization of the centrifugal visual system in the lamprey. Europ. Winter Conf. on Brain Res., Tignes, France, March 1988.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. et Marchand, L., et Vesselkin, N.P. Analyse hodologique comparée des systèmes visuels télencéphalopètes aviens et mammaliens. Assoc. des Physiol., MNHN, Paris, juillet 1987.

Dionne, C., Miceli, D. et Wilkinson, F. Affèrences intra-corticales des aires visuelles 17/18, suprasylvienne laterale et ectosylvienne anterieure chez le chat adulte et le chaton. ACFAS, Ottawa, mai 1987.

Roy, G., Miceli, D. et Marchand, L. Organisation des connections corticales visuelles à partir du noyau lateral posterieur chez le chat. ACFAS, Ottawa, mai 1987.

Miceli, D., Marchand, L., Repérant, J. and Ptito, M. Topographical organization of thalamo-visual Wulst projections in the pigeon. ARVO, Sarasota, May 1987, 28, p 22.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Ptito, M. Distribution and collateral projections of n. Lateral posterior neurons upon visual areas 17/18, lateral suprasylvian and anterior ectosylvian. Europ. Winter Conf. on Brain Res., Val Thorens, France, March 1987.

Repérant, J., Rio, J-P., Miceli, D. and Vesselkin, N.P. Anatomical evidence of optic nerve degeneration in reptiles.  Europ. Winter Conf. on Brain Res., Val Thorens, France, March 1987.

Dionne, L., Marchand, L. et Miceli, D. Un système informatisé pour l'analyse automatique des images. Congrès SQRP, Trois-Rivières, novembre 1986.

Dionne, C., Marchand, L. et Miceli, D. Processus developpementaux dans l'organisation du système visuel chez le chat. Congrès SQRP, Trois-Rivières, novembre 1986.

Roy, G., Marchand, L. et Miceli, D. Mise en évidence de deux systèmes distincts au niveau des connections thalamo-corticales extra-géniculées. Congrès SQRP, Trois-Rivières, novembre 1986.

Peyrichoux, J., Pierre, J., Repérant, J. and Miceli, D. Plasticity of the retinotectal system in the teleost Rutilus rutilus in a precise experimental situation. Europ. Neurosci., Marseille, France, Sept. 1986, Neurosci. Lett. 26, S49.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Marchand, L. et Dionne, L. L' organisation des systèmes visuels thalamo-télencéphaliques des Oiseaux. ACFAS, Montréal, mai 1986, 54, p. 302.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Lepore, F. and Ptito, M. Projections of the lateral posterior nucleus upon areas 1718, lateral suprasylvian and anterior ectosylvian visual areas in the cat. ARVO, Sarasota, April 1986, 27, p. 223.

Tremblay, F., Ptito, M., Lepore, F., Miceli, D. and Repérant, J. A comparative anatomical study of the visual callosal projections in the common and siamese cat. ARVO, Sarasota, April 1986, 27, p. 223.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Ptito, M. Avian hyperstriatal analogues of striate and extrastriate visual cortical areas. European Winter Conference on Brain Research, Avoriaz, France, March 1986, p, 82.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Dionne, L.  A quantitative autoradiographic study of visual wulst projections to the diencephalon and brainstem in the pigeon. ARVO, Sarasota, May 1985, 26, p.326.

Miceli, D., Lepore, R., Ward, R. and Ptito, M.  Commissural pathways involved in the inter-hemispheric connections of the anterior ectosylvian visual area in the cat. Soc. Neurosci., Anaheim, 1984, 10, p. 729.

Miceli, D., Ptito, M., Lepore, F. and Repérant, J.  Interhemispheric connections of the anterior ectosylvian visual area in the cat. ARVO, Sarasota, 1984, 25, p. 212.

Ptito, M., Lepore, F., Miceli, D., Molotchnikoff, S. and Lassonde, M.  The distribution of visual callosal projection neurons in the siamese cat:  An HRP study. Perception, 13, 1984, 32-33.

Miceli, D., Gagnon, R., Ptito, M. and Repérant, J.  Projections of the anterior ectosylvian visual area upon areas 17/18 and lateral suprasylvian in the cat as demonstrated by the retrograde double-label fluorescence technique. Neurosci., Boston, 1983, 9, p. 1219.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J., Ptito, M. and Lepore, F.  Hyperstriato-tectal projections in the pigeon (Columba livia) demonstrated by the retrograde double-label fluorescence technique. ARVO, Sarasota, May 1983, 24, p.64.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Ptito, M.  Etude neuroanatomique des afférences et efférences visuelles de l'hyperstratum aviaire par la technique de marquage rétrograde en fluorescence. ACFAS, Trois-Rivières, mai 1983.

Miceli, D., Repérant, J. and Ptito, M.  La voie thalamo-hyperstriatale chez le pigeon.  Etude anatomique employant la méthode de HRP et fluorescence. ACFAS,49, Montréal, 1983, p. 184.

Belleville, S. et Miceli, D.  Effet du naloxone sur la tolérance nerveuse et l'aversion conditionnée envers l'alcool. SQRP, Trois-Rivières, novembre 1982.

Ptito, M., Lepore, F., Lassonde, M. and Miceli, D.  Effects of selective lesions of visual cortical areas on pattern discrimination in the adult “split-brain” cat, Neurosci. Lett., suppl., 1982, p. 395.

Miceli, D., Ptito, M. and Repérant, J.  An HRP and double-label fluorescent study of afferent systems to the pigeon telencephalon (Columba livia). ARVO, 22, Sarasota, 1982, p. 242.

Ptito, M., Lepore, F., Lassonde, M., Duplessis, H. and Miceli, D.  Effects of chiasmatectomy/commissurotomy on stereopsis in cats. ARVO, 22, Sarasota, 1982, p.125.

Ptito, M., Veilleux, A. et Miceli, D.  Effets des lésions du putamen sur les capacités discriminatoires visuelles du singe. ACFAS, 49, Montréal, 1982, p.185.

Miceli, D., Ptito, M. et Repérant, J.  Etude anatomique des afférences du télencéphale chez le pigeon (Columba livia), J. Assoc. Physiol., 47, Montréal, août 1981.

Lepore, F., Ptito, M., Couture, S., Miceli, D. and Lassonde, M.  Lateralization of storage of visual information in cats with unilateral suprasylvian lesions. Neurosci. Abstr., Los Angeles, 1981, p. 651.

Miceli, D., Ptito, M., Marfaing-Jallat, P. and Le Magnen, J.  Effects of naloxone on ethanol tolerance and induced taste aversion in mice. Neurosci. Abstr., Los Angeles, 1981, p. 159.

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