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Laboratory of Signal and System Integration

Objectives and Mission

Founded in 1998 by Prof. Daniel Massicotte, this research laboratory develops advanced methods in signal processing and microsystems to target growing needs strategic areas such as telecommunications systems, biomedical, measurement and control.

The case of wireless communications of cellular networks and biomedical are examples where the proposition of integrated algorithms effective on a silicon transceiver becomes decisive in its deployment. It is, therefore, essential to provide solutions meet both requirements in signal processing and microsystems such as the complexity and computational precision in fixed-point, low power and area integration.

Research projects in their valorisation

Nougarou MassicotteA spinoff Axiocom inc. is the result of the LSSI research and his team of researchers with significant financial support, group counseling experience, recognition awards for the quality of its projects, all of which helped to set up in a favorable environment for the training of highly qualified personnel. Several patents ensued including, among others, the work of Adjunct Professor M. Ahmed Ouameur and student M. F. Nougarou using the methods of interference cancellation receivers integrating with base stations and mobile cell phones. 


Interference management, the reconstitution and deconvolution signals, the discrete Fourier transform, the single and multiple users detection, multiuser MIMO detection and channel estimation, adaptive antennas (beamforming), coding, precoding and scheduler, massive antenna, detection voice activity, non-destructive evaluation, interpretation and classification of data, control laws, biomedical processing, and others.

The solutions based on modern methods, evolutionary algorithms (genetic algorithms) and metaheuristics, compressive sensing, fractal, the wavelet transform (wavelet), neural networks and fuzzy logic.

Nous sommes présents dans le livre AI Québec (2021) : LivreIA

Une machine à l'écoute de votre dos from Le Nouvelliste on Vimeo.


Ils ont parlés de nos travaux:

2018 - L'intelligence artificielle a la cote à l'UQTR, Facteur matinal, Radio-Canada

2017 - Des monstres friands d’énergie, L’Hebdo Journal, p.3

2017 - Le condominium des centres de données, L’Hebdo Journal, p.3

2014 - Cap sur demain - Innover pour réussir, Allô? Allô? ici le dos, pages 34-35

2011 - Québec Science, La recherche dans le réseau de l'université du Québec, pages XI à XII.

2010 - Energia UQTR, vol. 9, pages 6 à 9.

2007 - Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies - Plan stratégique 2007-2010, page 5. 

2006 - Un Québec innovant et prospère - Stratégie québécoise de la recherche et de l'innovation, MDEIE, page 26

2006 - An Innovative - Prosperous Québec Québec Research and Innovation Strategy, MDEIE, page 26

2005 - CRSNG - La recherche : une question d'affaires, page 14. 

2005 - NSERC - Research Means Business - CRSNG, page 14. 

2005 - La science au secours du cellulaire, Le Nouvelliste, 26 juillet 2005, une page.