Département d'anatomie
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Josefina Maranzano, MD, Mahsa Dadar, PhD, Douglas L. Arnold, MD, D. Louis Collins, PhD, Sridar Narayanan, PhD
MRI T2-weighted, Intensity-Based Classification and Separation of Dirty White Matter from Focal White Matter Lesions in Multiple Sclerosis
Congrès : The fourth annual Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis (ACTRIMS) Forum, February 28 - March 2, Dallas, Texas


St-Pierre MO., Begon M., Bertrand-Grenier A., Sobczak S.
Assessment of hip joint intra-capsular pressure within the acetabular cavity and the lateral chamber during hip testing: a cadaveric preliminary investigation
Congrès : AAOMPT annual conference, October 23-27 2019, Orlando, USA


Héloïse Poulin, M.D 1., Issam Tanoubi, M.D., M.A.(Ed), DESAR 1-2, Anna Nayouf, M.D. 3, Roger Perron 2, David Hakim, M.D. FRCPC 4, Pierre Drolet, M.D., FRCPC 1-2, Marie-Ève Bélanger, M.D., FRCPC 1, Philippe Richebé, M.D., PhD, DESAR 1, Rami Issa, Beng., M.D., FRCPC 1, Gilles Bronchti, M.D.3.
Evaluation of the First-pass Intubation Success Rate with Direct Laryngoscopy versus Videolaryngoscopy in a Hemoptysis Simulated Scenario, using Thiel embalmed corpse: Randomized Trial Protocol
Congrès : Affiche scientifique présentée, le 7 novembre 2019 au Sommet de Simulation du Collège Royal des Médecins et Chirurgiens du Canada à Winnipeg


Maranzano, J
Application of an Intensity-Based Classification of Diffusely Abnormal White Matter and Focal White Matter Lesions in longitudinal MRI scans of SPMS participants
Congrès : International Progressive MS Alliance à Copenhague, avril 2019


Michaud J., Boudier-Revéret M., Luong D. H., Majdalani C., Pape J., Brismée J.M., Grabs D., Sobczak S.
Coracohumeral ligament injection for adhesive capsulitis
Congrès : Duluth Teach the Teachers Conference, University of Minnesota Medical School, September 27-28 Duluth, Minnesota


C. Dulude, A. Labarre, S. Delisle, D. Savary, P. Ouellet, J-C M. Richard, E. Charbonney et G. Bronchti
An explorative approach to quantify the impact of chest compressions on lung parenchyma using Thiel cadavers, ATS Conference, San Diego, 22 mai 2018
Congrès : ATS Conference, San Diego, 22 mai 2018


Paquette, T., Tokunaga, R., Leblond, H. et Piché, M.
Contribution of the nucleus basalis of Meynert to cerebral blood flow responses in the ipsilateral but not controlateral primary somatosensory cortex during nociceptive processing
Congrès : SfN 48th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA


U. Grabs, G. Bronchti and D. Grabs
How and why to choose a cadaver fixation method? Do I need the Classic, Thiel, Saturated Salt technique or Frozen cadavers for my application?
Congrès : American Association of Clinical Anatomy (AACA), Atlanta, 10.07.2018


St-Pierre M.O., Sobczak S., Fontaine N., Saadé N. et Boivin K.
Quantification of three clinical tests for the assessment of the Femoroacetabular Impingement: preliminary results
Congrès : ACSM's 65th Annual Meeting, 9th World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® and World Congress on the Basic Science of Muscle Hypertrophy and Atrophy, du 29 mai au 02 juin 2018, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA


Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Piché, M., Bouyer, J., Côté, M.P.et Leblond, H.
Inflammation-induced attenuation of locomotor recovery is associated with decreased motoneuronal KCC2 expression
Congrès : SfN 48th annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA


J. Thibault, E. Luna, G. Bronchti, S. Al Aïn
Effects of congenital blindness on olfactory functions: From childhood to adulthood
Congrès : International Society for Developmental Psychobiology, San Diego, october 31, 2018


Maxim Roy, Florian Robin, Detlev Grabs, Monique Ruel and Sébastien Garneau
Évaluation de l’effet de l’orientation du biseau de l’aiguille sur la facilité d’insertion et le positionnement d’un cathéter para-vertébral par approche écho-guidée : étude pilote cadavérique
Congrès : Congrès de la Société Française d’Anesthésie et Réanimation, Paris (France), 27.-29.09.2018


St-Pierre M-O, Sobczak S., Fontaine N., Saadé N., Boivin K.
Quantification de tests cliniques à l'articulation coxo-fémorale : étude de validité
Congrès : Journée scientifique du REPAR-INTER, 11 mai 2018, Québec, Canada


J. Thibault, E. Luna, G. Bronchti, S. Al Aïn
Effects of congenital blindness on olfactory functions and brain plasticity
Congrès : Society For Neuroscience, San Diego, november 6, 2018


J. Pape, M. Boudier-Revéret, J.M. Brismée, K.K. Gilbert, D. Grabs and S. Sobczak
Accuracy of Bony Land Mark Palpation Guided and Ultrasound Guided Coracohumeral Ligament Infiltrations by a Physiotherapist and Physician - A cadaveric case series
Congrès : American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists 2018 Conference, Reno, NV (USA), 07.11.2018


Forbes A., Develle Y., Bertrand-Grenier A., Cantin C., Sobczak S.
Développement d’un outil d’aide au diagnostic : Validation de la capacité des ultrasons à permettre la reconstruction 3D de corps rigides
Congrès : Journée scientifique annuelle du REPAR-INTER, 11 mai 2018, Québec, Canada


J. Roy, B. Dominguez, G. Bronchti, S. Al Aïn
Influence de la cécité sur les fonctions olfactives chez la souris
Congrès : Société Québécoise pour l'Etude Biologique du Comportement, Trois-Rivières, 16-17 novembre 2018


Schaefer T., Moraine JJ., Sobczak S.
Effet d’un entrainement de type ‘Slackline’ sur les modifications des paramètres cinématiques de la cheville
Congrès : 6èmes Journées Francophones de Kinésithérapie, Paris, France, 27-29 avril 2017.


Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Côté, M.P., Piché, M. et Leblond, H.
Inflammatory nociception attenuates training induced locomotor recovery after spinal cord injury by altering KCC2 expression
Congrès : SfN 47th annual meeting, Washington, DC, USA


Munster M, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Dewan BM, Browne K, Sobczak S.
Can Five Minutes of Repetitive Prone Press-ups and Sustained Prone Press-ups Following a Period of Spinal Loading Reverse Spinal Shrinkage?
Congrès : Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Antonio, Texas, 02/17/2017.


Paquette, T., Leblond, H. et Piché, M.
Spinal cord neurovascular coupling is not affected by isoflurane: Evidence from decerebrated rats
Congrès : SfN 47th annual meeting, Washington, DC, USA


Boudier-Revéret M., Gilbert K.K., Allégue D.R., Moussadyk M., Brismée J-M., Feipel V., Dugailly P-M., Sobczak S., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effect of Specific Neural Mobilization on Median Nerve Edema Dispersion: A Cadaveric Investigation. Texas Society for Hand Therapy 22nd Annual Education Conference San Antonio, Hand and Shoulder A Legacy: The Therapist / Surgeon Relationship, March 24-26, 2017.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Effect of Specific Neural Mobilization on Median Nerve Edema Dispersion: A Cadaveric Investigation
Congrès : Texas Society for Hand Therapy 22nd Annual Education Conference San Antonio, Hand and Shoulder A Legacy: The Therapist / Surgeon Relationship, March 24-26, 2017.


Allégue D.R., Gilbert K.K.,Boudier-Revéret M., Moussadyk M., Brismée J-M., Feipel V., Sizer, P.S., Dugailly P-M., Sobczak S.
Effet des mobilisations neurodynamiques Sliding et Tensioning sur l'œdème intraneural au sein du nerf médian : Étude in vitro
Congrès : 2ème Congrès québécois de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation, 18-19 Mai 2017, Montréal, Canada.


Lohman CM, Gilbert KK, Sobczak S, Brismee JM, James CR, Day M, Hixson KM
Effects of Median, Radial and Ulnar Biased Neurodynamic Testing on Cervical Spinal Nerves
Congrès : Platform presentation at American Association of Clinical Anatomists Annual Meeting. July 2017.


Pape J, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Matthijs O, Browne K, Dewan B, Sobczak S.
Increased Spinal Height Using Propped Slouched Sitting Postures: Innovative Ways To Rehydrate Intervertebral Discs
Congrès : 28th Annual Student Research Week at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA.


Develle, Y., Leblond, H.
Buspirone Effect on H-reflex in Acute Spinal Decerebrated Mice
Congrès : SfN 46th annual meeting, 12 au 16 novembre, San Diego, CA, USA.


Sobczak S., Dugailly P.-M, Gilbert KK, Hooper T, Sizer PS, Poortmans B, Matthijs OC, Brismée JM
Intra/inter rater reliability and accuracy of lumbar spine height using musculoskeletal ultrasound : A preliminary investigation
Congrès : Endowed Lecture Series Meeting at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, 09/20/2016.


Jeffrey-Gauthier, R., Piché, M. et Leblond, H.
Impact of sustained sublesional nociception on restoration of spinal excitability following complete spinal transection in mice
Congrès : SfN 46th annual meeting, 12 au 16 novembre, San Diego, CA, USA.


Pape J, Brismée JM, Sizer PS, Matthijs O, Browne K, Dewan B, Sobczak S
Increased Spinal Height Using Propped Slouched Sitting Postures : Innovative Ways To Rehydrate Intervertebral Discs
Congrès : Endowed Lecture Series Meeting at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, 09/20/2016.


Paquette, T., Leblond, H. et Piché, M.
Alteration of neurovascular coupling in the rat spinal cord by systemic blood pressure changes evoked by nociceptive stimulation
Congrès : SfN 46th annual meeting, 12 au 16 novembre, San Diego, CA, USA.
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Département d'anatomie
Pavillon : Léon-Provancher
Local : 3501
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 3584
Télécopieur : 819 376-5039
Site web : www.uqtr.ca/anatomie
Courriel : secretariat.anatomie@uqtr.ca 

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