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In this section you will find the various genocides under study:

  • Genocide of the Indigenous Peoples in Canada
  • Genocide of the Herero and Nama in Namibia
  • Genocide of the Armenians under the Ottoman Empire
  • The Holodomor, genocide of Ukrainians in the USSR
  • The Holocaust
  • Genocide of the Roma and Sinti under the German Third Reich (1933-1945)
  • Genocide of Chams, Vietnamese and Khmer in Cambodia
  • Genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda
  • Genocide of the Muslims in Bosnia

Those with whom we grew up, who were our friends, began to call us by the name "inyenzi," which means cockroach. And the radio started encouraging the Hutus to use this name and telling them that they should beware their neighbors. At that point, I think I lost a lot of weight in a week. And I start thinking that I must try to escape. So, what I remember from that time is fear.

—Adventure Kalisa, Rwandese survivor living in Canada Source: Canadian Museum for Human Rights (new window)

Image. Civilians arrested by Nazi soldiers during the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto in Poland in 1943. Credit: U.S. National Archives.

Image. Refugees receiving water at one of the many water distribution centers as they make their return journey to Rwanda, 1994. Credit: U.S. National Archives.

Image. Photography showing the "dekulakization" in the USSR between 1929 and 1934. Here we see a protest organized against the kulaks. Signs and banners say, "We will liquidate the kulaks as a class" and "All to the fight against the destroyers of agriculture". Credit: Wikimedia commons.