
Contributions dans des revues à comité de lecture

  1. Blanchette V, Andoulsi Y, Brousseau M, Leblanc C, Guillemette F, Hue O (2022) Competency framework for podiatric medicine training in Canada: An adapted Delphi study. Advances in Medical Education and Practice 13:1207-1241.
  2. Maïano C, Morin AJ, April J, Webster EK, Hue O, Dugas C, Ulrich D (2022) Psychometric properties of a french-Canadian version of the test of gross motor development–third edition (TGMD-3): A bifactor structural equation modeling approach. Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 26(1), 51-62.
  3. Maïano C, Morin AJS, April J, Coutu S, Dugas C, Hue O (2021) Relationship between actual and perceived locomotor and ball skills competence among children: A person-centered approach. Journal of Sports Science 12:1-10.
  4. Maïano C, Hue O, April J (2019) Fundamental movement skills in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities 99(5):507-518.
  5. Maïano C, Hue O, April J (2019) Effects of motor skill interventions on fundamental movement skills in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities: A systematic review. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 63(9):1163-1179.
  6. Maïano C, Hue O, Lepage G, Morin, AJS, Tracey D, Moullec G (2019) Do exercise interventions improve balance for children and adolescents with Down Syndrome? A systematic review. Physical Therapy 99(5):507-518.
  7. Maïano C, Hue O, Morin AJS, Lepage G, Tracey D, Moullec G (2019) A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of exercise interventions to improve balance for youth with intellectual disabilities. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 61(4):406-418.
  8. Maïano C, Hue O, Morin AJS, Lepage G, Tracey D, Moullec G (2018) Static postural control among school-aged youth with Down syndrome : a systematic review. Gait & Posture 62:426-433.
  9. Thabti HA, Beausoleil S, Hue O (2017) The Effects of Haemophilia on the Postural Control of Adolescents. Journal of Functional Morphology & Kinesiology 2(3):24.
  10. Willems M, Hue O, Stefani L, Lorenzetti S, Assanelli D, Szychlinska MA (2017) The “Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology” Journal Club Series: Highlights on Recent Papers in Exercise and Nutrition for Health. Journal of Functional Morphology & Kinesiology 2(3):22.
  11. Handrigan GA, Maltais N, Gagné M, Lamontagne P, Hamel D, Teasdale N, Hue O, Corbeil P, Brown JP, Jean S (2017) Sex-specific association between obesity and self-reported falls and injuries among community dwelling Canadians aged 65 years and over. Osteoporosis International 28(2):483-494.
  12. Maïano C, Hue O, Morin AJS, Moullec G (2016) Prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adoslescents with intellectual disabilities: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Obesity reviews 17(7):599-611.
  13. Boucher F, Handrigan GA, Mackrous I, Hue O (2015) Childhood obesity affects postural control and aiming performance during an upper limb movement.  Gait & Posture 42(2):116-121.
  14. Teasdale N, Simoneau M, Berrigan F, Corbeil P, Handrigan G, Tremblay A, Hue O (2013) Obesity Alters Balance and Movement Control. Current Obesity Reports 2:235-240.
  15. Dutil M, Handrigan G, Corbeil P, Cantin V, Simoneau M, Teasdale N, Hue O (2013) The impact of obesity on balance control in community-dwelling older women. AGE 35(3):883-890.
  16. Handrigan G, Berrigan F, Hue O, Simoneau M, Corbeil P, Tremblay A, Teasdale N (2012) The effetcs of muscle strength on center of pressure-based measures of postural sway in obese and heavy athletic individuals. Gait & Posture 35(1): 88-91.
  17. Handrigan G, Hue O, Simoneau M, Corbeil P, Marceau P, Marceau S, Tremblay A, Teasdale N (2010) Weight loss and muscular strength affect static balance control. International Journal of Obesity 34(5):936-942.
  18.  Hue O, Berrigan F, Simoneau M, Marcotte J, Marceau P, Marceau S, Tremblay A, Teasdale N (2008) Muscle force and force control after weight loss in obese and morbidly obese men. Obesity Surgery 18(9):1112-1118.
  19. Berrigan F, Hue O, Teasdale N, Simoneau M (2008) Obesity adds constraint on balance control and movement performance. Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. HFES Proceedings 1364-1368.
  20. Hue O, Marcotte J, Berrigan F, Simoneau M, Tremblay A, Doré J, Marceau P, Marceau S, Teasdale N (2007) Plasma concentration of organochlorine compounds is associated with age and not obesity. Chemosphere 67(7): 1463-1467.
  21. Teasdale N, Hue O, Marceau P, Marceau S, Simoneau M, Tremblay A (2007) Predictors of weight loss in parkinson's disease. Is weight loss the chicken or the egg? Movement Disorders 22(3): 436-437.
  22. Hue O, Simoneau M, Marcotte J, Berrigan F, Doré J, Marceau P, Marceau S, Tremblay A, Teasdale N (2007) Body weight is a strong predictor of postural stability. Gait and Posture 26(1): 32-38.
  23. Marceau S, Teasdale N, Hue O, Biron S, Marceau P (2007) Greater weight loss makes life easier after bariatric surgery. Abstracts of the 24th annual meeting of the American society for bariatric surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases 3(3):323.
  24. Teasdale N, Hue O, Marcotte J, Berrigan F, Simoneau M, Tremblay A, Doré J, Marceau P, Marceau S (2007) Reducing weight increases postural stability in obese and morbid obese men. International Journal of Obesity 31(1): 153-160.
  25. Berrigan F, Simoneau M, Tremblay A, Hue O, Teasdale N (2006) Influence of obesity on accurate and rapid arm movement performed from a standing posture. International Journal of Obesity 30(12):1750-1757.
  26. Hue O, Marcotte J, Berrigan F, Simoneau M, Doré J, Marceau P, Marceau S, Tremblay A, Teasdale N (2006) Increased plasma levels of toxic pollutants accompanying weight loss induced by hypocaloric diet or bariatric surgery. Obesity Surgery 16(9):1145-1154.
  27. Hue OA, Cantin V, Simoneau M, Teasdale N (2005) Pointing to a target and postural stability: what are the effects of orienting the attention on the precision or on the postural task? Abstracts of the XVIIth conference on postural and gait research. Gait & posture 21(suppl 1):S53.
  28. Seynnes O, Hue OA, Garrandes F, Colson SS, Bernard PL, Legros P, Fiatarone Singh MA (2005) Force steadiness in the lower extremities as an independent predictor of functional performance in older women. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 13(4):395-408.
  29. Hue O, Seynnes O, Bernard PL (2004) Detraining period affects postural stability in older people after a training program. Abstracts of the 6th World Congress on Aging and physical activity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 12(3):383-384.
  30. Hue O, Seynnes O, Bernard PL (2004) Effects of a specific exercise program and its duration on postural stability of older people. Abstracts of the 6th World Congress on Aging and physical activity. Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 12(3):382-383.
  31. Hue OA, Seynnes O, Ledrole D, Colson SS, Bernard PL (2004) Effects of a physical activity program on postural stability in older people. Aging – Clinical and Experimental Research 16(5): 356-362.
  32. Bernard PL, Hue O, Seynnes O, Eininger C, Ledrole D, Giraud P (2004) Influence d'une activité physique sur les capacités posturales de personnes âgées: effets du temps de pratique. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique 47(4): 157-163.
  33. Seynnes O, Fiatarone Singh MA, Hue O, Pras P, Legros P, Bernard PL (2004) Physiological and functional responses to low-moderate vs. high intensity progressive resistance training in frail elders. Journal of Gerontology A – Medical Sciences 59(5):M503-M509.
  34. Bernard PL, Geraci M, Hue O, Amato M, Seynnes O, Lantieri D (2003) Effet de l'obésité et de la nature de l'obésité sur la régulation posturale d'adolescentes. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique 46(4): 184-190.
  35. Seynnes O, Hue O, Ledrole D, Bernard PL (2002) Adapted physical activity in old age: effects of a low intensity training program on isokinetic power and fatigability. Aging – Clinical and Experimental Research 14(6): 491-498.
  36. Hue O, Ledrole D, Seynnes O, Bernard PL (2001) Influence d'une pratique motrice de type « Posture – Équilibration – Motricité » sur les capacités posturales du sujet âgé. Annales de Réadaptation et de Médecine Physique 44(2):81-88.

Contributions dans des ouvrages collectifs.

  1. Hue O, Martin V (2022) Les capacités ostéo-articulaires, neuromusculaires et fonctionnelles chez les jeunes en situation de surpoids ou d’obésité. In: Rey O et Maïano C. Surpoids et obésité chez les enfants et les adolescents. Québec: ed. Presse Universitaire du Québec; 150 pages.
  2. Hue O (2020). Personnes âgées et activités physiques adaptées. In: Maîano C, Hue O, Moullec G, Pépin V. Guide d’intervention en activités physiques adaptées à l’intention des kinésiologues. Québec : ed. Presse Universitaire du Québec; 257-277.
  3. Teasdale N, Simoneau M, Berrigan F, Corbeil P, Tremblay A, Handrigan G, Hue O (2012) Du maintien postural à l'exécution du mouvement: le cas de l'obésité. In: Hamaoui A., Lacour M. Du maintien postural à l'exécution du mouvement. Albi : eds. De Boeck-Solal; 355 pages.  
  4. Hue O, Seynnes O, Bernard PL (2004) Vieillissement de la fonction d'équilibration et effet de l'entraînement. In: Jeandel C, Bernard PL, Seynnes O. Aptitude physique, santé et vieillissement. Paris : ed. Sauremps Medical; 91-97.
  5. Seynnes O, Hue O, Bernard PL (2004) Vieillissement de la fonction musculaire et conséquences fonctionnelles. In: Jeandel C, Bernard PL, Seynnes O. Aptitude physique, santé et vieillissement. Paris: ed. Sauremps Medical; 141-148.
  6. Bernard PL, Hue O, Seynnes O, Eininger C, Ledrole D, Giraud P (2004) Influence d'une activité physique de type « P.E.M. » sur les capacités d'équilibration de personnes âgées. In: Jeandel C, Bernard PL, Seynnes O. Aptitude physique, santé et vieillissement. Paris: ed. Sauremps Medical; 217-228.
  7. Hue O, Seynnes O, Bernard PL (2004) Effet de la durée d'entraînement sur la stabilité posturale du sujet âgé. In: Jeandel C, Bernard PL, Seynnes O. Aptitude physique, santé et vieillissement. Paris: ed. Sauremps Medical; 229-239.
  8. Seynnes O, Hue O, Bernard PL (2004) Influence d'une activité physique terrestre versus aquatique sur la fonction musculaire de personnes âgées. In: Jeandel C, Bernard PL, Seynnes O. Aptitude physique, santé et vieillissement. Paris: ed. Sauremps Medical; 241-251.
  9. Hue O, Ledrole D, Ong Méang V, Barascud M, Bernard PL (1999) L'outil « Posture – Équilibration – Motricité »: Intérêts et limites. In: Enjalbert M, Pailler D, Bernard PL, Piéra JB, Allieu Y. Sport et handicap moteur. Paris: ed. Masson; 180-183.



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