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Soutenir la Transition et l'Engagement dans la Parentalité

Scientific papers

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J. (in press). Characterizing the heterogeneity of disruptions in the resolution of trauma amongst women exposed to childhood maltreatment, Development and Psychopathology, 1-14. Pre-proof

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Muzik, M., Simon, V., Menke, R., Stacks, A., & Rosenblum, K.L. (in press). Resolving trauma: the unique contribution of trauma-specific mentalization to maternal insightfulness. Development and Psychopathology, 1-14. Pre-proof

Berthelot, N., Larouche, K., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Deschênes, K., Drouin-Maziade, C., & Lemieux, R. (2024). Spillover effects on the relationship with the partner of a mentalization-based intervention for pregnant women. 45(4), 369-381.

Deschênes, M., Gamache, D., Vaillancourt-Morel, M.-P., Mayrand, K., Nolin, M.-C., Berthelot, N., Mercerat, C., & Savard, C. (2024). Exploring the associations of personality and sexual health using the DSM-5 Alternative model for personality disorders. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. 1-21.

Larouche, K., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lemieux, R., Lacharité, C., & Berthelot, N. (2024). Pathway from childhood maltreatment to perceived parental competence and couple dysfunctions among expecting fathers: The role of PTSD symptoms. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, & Trauma, 33(7), 864-881.

Legendre, M., Milot, T., Rousseau, M., Lemieux, R., Garon-Bissonnette, J., & Berthelot, N. (2024). Beyond abuse and neglect: Validation of the Childhood Interpersonal Trauma Inventory in a community sample of adults. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, 1-10.

Mayrand, K., Milot, T., Briere, J., Godbout, N., Oliva-Veilleux, S., & Berthelot. N. (2024). Using the DRS-8 to measure Unresolved/disorganized attachment: Associations with states of mind on the Adult Attachment Interview, Psychopathology, and Offspring Social-Emotional Development. Child Abuse and Neglect, 156, #107017.

Poirier-Plante, J.  & Berthelot. N. (sous presse). Effet du cannabis sur les symptômes psychologiques des parents: Association avec leurs perceptions quant aux répercussions de leur consommation sur leur parentalité et leurs enfants. Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement.

Ricard, J., Berthelot, N., Fortin-Fabbro, É., Boisvert, M.-C., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Arseneault, E., Bureau, A., & Maziade, M. (2024). Childhood trauma and altered response of retinal neurons as an early risk endophenotype of schizophrenia and mood disorder. Biomarkers in Neuropsychiatry, 10,

Tremblay, J., Leclerc, A.-M., Lemieux, R., Cleary, J., Weizineau, E., & Berthelot, N. (2024). Expérience de la grossesse et des soins périnataux chez les femmes des Premières Nations bénéficiant de services publics de santé [Pregnancy and Perinatal Care Experiences of First Nations Women in a Urban Context]. Science infirmière et pratiques en santé, 7(2), 1-25.

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Drouin-Maziade, C., Bergeron, V., & Sériès, T. (2023). STEP-COVID : A pilot study of a prenatal intervention for pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Reports, 13, 1-9.

Bureau, A., Berthelot, N., Ricard, J., Lafrance, C., Jomphe, V., Dioni, A., Fortin-Fabro, É., Boisvert, M.-C., & Maziade, M. (2023). Heterogeneity in the longitudinal courses of global functioning in children at familial risk of major psychiatric disorders: Association with trauma and familial characteristics. Bipolar Disorders, 3, 265-276.

Ensink, K., Bégin, M., Martin-Gagnon, G., Biberdzic, M., Fonagy, P., Bernazzani, O., Berthelot, N., & Borelli, J.L. (2023). Post-traumatic-stress in the context of childhood maltreatment: Pathways from attachment through mentalizing during the transition to parenthood. Frontiers in Psychology, 14.

Garon-Bissonnette, J., Dubois-Comtois, K., St-Laurent, D., & Berthelot, N. (2023). A deeper look at the association between childhood trauma and reflective functions. Attachment & Human Development, 25(3-4), 368-389.

Tremblay, M.-J., & Berthelot, N. (2023). Les effets d’une intervention basée sur la pleine conscience sur le bien-être des femmes enceintes, l’adaptation à la parentalité et le développement des enfants : une étude périnatale et longitudinale. Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement.

Berthelot, N., Goupil, É., Drouin-Maziade, C., Lacharité, L., Lemieux, R., & Garon-Bissonnette, J. (2022). L’expérience des participantes au programme STEP : une intervention prénatale pour les femmes ayant subi de mauvais traitements durant leur enfance. Revue de Psychoéducation, 51(3), 227-249.

Berthelot, N., Drouin-Maziade, C., Bergeron, V., Garon-Bissonnette, J., & Sériès, T., (2022). Une intervention brève pour favoriser le bien-être des femmes enceintes pendant la pandémie de COVID-19 et soutenir la résilience des familles. Revue internationale de la résilience des enfants et des adolescents, 9(1).

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Jomphe, V., Doucet-Beaupré, H., Bureau, A., & Maziade, M. (2022). Childhood trauma may increase risk of schizophrenia and mood disorder in genetically high-risk children and adolescents by enhancing the accumulation of risk indicators. Schizophrenia Bulletin Open, 3(1).

Berthelot, N., Savard, C., Lemieux, R., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Ensink, K., & Godbout, N. (2022). Development and validation of a self-report measure assessing failures in the mentalization of trauma and adverse relationships. Child Abuse and Neglect. 128, 1-13.

Duguay, G., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lemieux, R., Dubois-Comtois, K., Mayrand, K., & Berthelot, N. (2022). Socioemotional development in infants of women that were pregnant during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of prenatal and postnatal maternal distress. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health. 16(28), 1-11.

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Lemieux, R., Berthelot, N. (2022). Impact of level of personality pathology on affective, behavioral, and thought problems in pregnant women during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic. Personality Disorders : Theory, Research and Treatment, 13(1), 41-51.

Garon-Bissonnette, J., Grisé Bolduc, M.-È., Lemieux, R., & Berthelot, N. (2022). Cumulative childhood trauma and complex psychiatric symptoms in pregnant women and expecting men. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 22(10)

Garon-Bissonnette, J., Duguay, G., Lemieux, R., Dubois-Comtois, K., & Berthelot, N. (2021). Maternal childhood abuse and neglect predicts offspring development in early childhood: The roles of reflective functioning and child sex. 128. Child Abuse & Neglect.

Berthelot, N., Drouin-Maziade, C., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lemieux, R., Sériès, T., & Lacharité, C. (2021). Evaluation of the acceptability of a prenatal program for women with histories of childhood trauma: STEP (Supporting the Transition to and Engagement in Parenthood). Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12, 1-8.

Caron, R., Poitras, K., St-Laurent, D., Joly, M.-P., Poirier, M.-A., Berthelot, N., & Dubois-Comtois, K. (2021). Foster family assessment: the assessor’s perspective - a qualitative study. Child Abuse and Neglect. 130.

Gamache, D., Savard, C., Leclerc, P., Payant, M., Berthelot, N., Côté, A., Faucher, J., Lampron, M., Lemieux, R., Mayrand, K., Nolin, M.-C., & Tremblay, M. (2021). A proposed classification of ICD-11 severity levels of personality pathology using the Self and Interpersonal Functioning Scale (SIFS). Frontiers in Psychiatry: Psychopathology, 12, 1-15.

Borelli, J., Ensink, K., Falasiri, E., Bernazzani, O., Fonagy, P., & Berthelot, N. (2020). Mothers’ self-focused reflective functioning interacts with childhood experiences of rejection to predict current romantic relationship quality and parenting behavior. Family Process. 60(3), 920-934.

Lemieux, R., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Loiselle, M., Martel, E., Drouin-Maziade, C., & Berthelot, N. (2020). Association entre la fréquence de consultation des médias d’information et les symptômes psychiatriques chez les femmes enceintes durant la pandémie de COVID-19. Revue canadienne de psychiatrie, 66(1), 34-42.

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Drouin-Maziade, C., Duguay, G., Milot, T., Lemieux, R., Lacharité, C., St-Laurent, D., & Dubois-Comtois, K. (2020). Parental cannabis use: Contradictory discourses in the media, governmental publications and the scientific literature. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 59(3), 333-335.

Berthelot, N., Lemieux, R., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Drouin-Maziade, C., Martel, E., & Maziade, M. (2020). Uptrend in distress and psychiatric symptomatology in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica99(7), 848-855.

Berthelot, N., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lemieux, R., Drouin-Maziade, C., & Maziade, M. (2020). Paucity of intervention research in childhood trauma contrasts with the long known relation with negative outcomes : Is trauma research translational enough? Mental Health & Prevention. 19.

Berthelot, N., Lemieux. R., Garon-Bissonnette, J., & Muzik, M. (2020). Prenatal attachment, parental confidence and mental health in expecting parents: The role of childhood trauma. Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health, 65(1), 85-95.

Lemieux, R., Loiselle, M., & Berthelot, N. (2020). Are psychiatric nurses sufficiently informed about childhood maltreatment. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing27(3), 203-204.

Berthelot, N., Lemieux. R., Garon-Bissonnette, J., Lacharité, C., & Muzik, M. (2019). The protective role of mentalizing: Reflective functioning as a mediator between trauma, psychopathology and parental attitude in expecting parents. Child Abuse & Neglect, 95.

Berthelot, N., Lemieux. R., & Maziade, M. (2019). Shortfall of intervention research over correlational research in childhood maltreatment. JAMA Pediatrics, 173(11), 1009-1010.

Berthelot, N., Lemieux. R., & Lacharité, C. (2018). Development of a prenatal program for adults exposed to childhood abuse or neglect: A Delphi consensus consultation study. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 38(11), 393-403.

Berthelot, N., Lemieux. R., & Lacharité, C. (2018). Développement d’un programme d’accompagnement prénatal pour les adultes ayant été victimes d’abus ou de négligence au cours de leur enfance: étude de consensus par la méthode Delphi. Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada, 38(11), 343-453.

Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Bégin, M., Maheux, J., & Normandin, L. (2017). Dissociation mediates the relationship between sexual abuse and child psychological difficulties. Child Abuse & Neglect69, 116-124.

Gilbert, E., Paccalet, T., Berthelot, N., Marquet, P., & Maziade, M. (2017). Prevention research in major psychoses should draw concepts from other complex disorders. Schizophrenia Bulletin43(suppl_1), S163-S164.

Berthelot, N. (2016). La mentalisation : au cœur de la pratique clinique et de la santé mentale. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 37(3), 1-5.

Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Biberdzic, M., & Normandin, L. (2016). The Mirror Paradigm: Assessing the embodied self in the context of abuse. Psychoanalytic psychology, 33(3), 389-405.

Ensink, K., Normandin, N., Plamondon, A., Berthelot, N., & Fonagy, P. (2016). Intergenerational pathways from reflective functioning to infant attachment through parenting. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science, 48(1), 9-18.

Maheux, J., Collin-Vézina, D., Macintosh, H., Berthelot, N., & Hétu, S. (2016). Capacités de mentalisation spécifique au trauma auprès d’adultes ayant subi des agressions sexuelles durant l’enfance. Revue Québécoise de Psychologie, 37(3), 93-115.

Paccalet, T., Gilbert, E., Berthelot, N., Marquet, P., Jomphe, V., Lussier, D., Bouchard, R-H., Cliche, D., Gingras, N., & Maziade, M. (2016). Liability indicators aggregate many years before transition to illness in offspring descending from kindreds affected by schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 175, 186-192. 

Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., Bernazzani, O., Normandin, L., Luyten, P., & Fonagy, P. (2015). Intergenerational transmission of attachment in abused and neglected mothers: The role of trauma-specific reflective functioning. Infant Mental Health Journal36(2), 200-212.

Berthelot, N., Paccalet, T., Gilbert, E., Moreau, I., Mérette, C., Rouleau, N., Gingras, N., & Maziade, M. (2015). Childhood abuse and neglect may induce deficits in cognitive precursors of psychosis in high-risk children. Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 40(5), 336-343.

Ensink, K., Fonagy, P., & Berthelot, N., Normandin, L., & Bernazzani, O. (2015). A response to the commentary by Schimmenti: Behind the close doors of mentalizing. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 697, 1-3.

Ensink, K., Fonagy. P., Normandin, L., Berthelot, N., Biberdzic, M., & Duval, J. (2015). O papel protetor da mentalização de experiências traumáticas: implicações quando da entrada na parentalidade. Estilos da Clinica, 20(1), 76-91.

Ensink, K., Normandin, L., Fonagy, P., Target, M., Sabourin, S. & Berthelot, N. (2015). Mentalization in children and mothers in the context of trauma: An initial study of the validity of the child reflective functioning scale. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33(2), 203-217.

Paccalet, T., Gilbert, E., Jomphe, V., Émond, C., Rouleau, N., Berthelot, N., Hébert, M., Mérette, C., & Maziade, M. (2015). Similar patterns of combinations of cognitive and physiological endophenotypes in children at risk and in adult patients: A developmental model for children born to an affected parent. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 41(supp.1), S149.

Sirois, M., Berthelot, N., Drouin-Maziade, C., Germain, P., & Martel, M.-J. (2015). Implications de la maltraitance en enfance pour les soins périnataux. Soins pédiatrie/puériculture, 36(284), 44-47.

Berthelot, N., Godbout, N., Hébert, M., Goulet, M., & Bergeron, S. (2014). Prevalence and correlates of childhood sexual abuse in adults consulting for sex therapy. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy40(5), 434-443.

Berthelot, N., Hébert, M., Godbout, N., Goulet, M., Bergeron, S., & Boucher, S. (2014). Childhood maltreatment increases the risk of intimate partner violence via PTSD and anger personality traits in individuals consulting for sexual problems. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma23(9), 982-998.

Drapeau, S., Tremblay, J., Turcotte, D., Lessard, G., Lemieux, R., & Mireault, G. (2014). L’approche de médiation en protection de la jeunesse : une voie vers des interventions plus consensuelles. Intervention140, 29-36.

Ensink, K., Berthelot, N., Bernazzani, O., Normandin, L., & Fonagy, P. (2014). Another step closer to measuring the Ghosts in the Nursery: Preliminary validation of the Trauma Reflective Functioning Scale. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1471.

Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., & Normandin, L. (2013). Mentalisation efficiente du trauma. Carnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles131(2), 6-20.

Ensink, K., Maheux, J., Normandin, L., Sabourin, S., Diguer, L., Berthelot, N., & Parent, K. (2013). The impact of mentalization training on the reflective function of novice therapists: A randomized controlled trial. Psychotherapy Research, 5(23), 526-538.

Berthelot, N., Ensink, K., Normandin, L. (2013). Échecs de mentalisation du trauma. Carnet de notes sur les maltraitances infantiles131(1), 9-15.

Berthelot, N., Langevin, R., & Hébert, M. (2012). L’association entre la victimisation sexuelle dans l’enfance de la mère et les troubles de comportement chez l’enfant victime d’agression sexuelle. Journal international de victimologie10, 8-20.

Berthelot, N., Maheux, J., Lemieux, R., Normandin, L., & Ensink, K. (2012). La dissociation comme médiateur entre l'agression sexuelle et la symptomatologie clinique chez l'enfant. Revue québécoise de psychologie33(3), 37-58.