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Hydrogen Research Institute

Services and Research


Contact: Loïc Boulon


The Hydrogen Research Institute offers a comprehensive service in chemistry, electrochemistry, materials science and engineering related to hydrogen technologies and its safe use. For innovative small and medium-sized businesses, NRC’s IRAP program provides access to consulting services offered by our world-class researchers. Also, HRI is an essential partner for fundamental and precompetitive research projects

Hydrogen: One of the main research activities of HRI has been the development of advanced materials for gas storage.

The team is currently broadening their research in materials science to that of emerging energies, with a particular focus on energy storage, purification and energy efficiency. HRI also continues its activities in the optimization of carbon nanostructures as a catalytic support. We want to use nanotechnology to continue to develop hydrogen detectors and on-board sensors.

Smart grid and vehicles.

The research activities are based on an integrated approach combining theoretical, numerical and experimental tools, which involve the identification of promising materials by high throughput digital screening based on ab initio simulations guided by artificial intelligence, chemical synthesis. of these materials, their integration into devices and reactors and their evaluation in test benches.

Materials Science: Synthesis and characterization of materials for sustainable energies.

The research activities are based on an integrated approach combining theoretical, numerical and experimental tools, which involve the identification of promising materials by high throughput digital screening based on ab initio simulations guided by artificial intelligence, chemical synthesis. of these materials, their integration into devices and reactors and their evaluation in test benches.