SIEDS - Société internationale d'étude du dix-huitième siècle
Élections du comité exécutif de la SIEDS 2023-2027

Résultats des élections


d.fuldaDaniel FULDA (Allemagne) - Élu

Daniel Fulda is Director of the Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies in Halle (Germany) and Professor of Modern German Literature at the University of Halle–Wittenberg. His research focuses on the interrelation between historiography and aesthetics, on literary genres, on the cultures of erudition and on the shaping of modern cultural patterns in the Enlightenment. His most recent book is "Die Geschichte trägt der Aufklärung die Fackel vor." Eine deutsch-französische Bild-Geschichte (2017). Since 2015, he is an elected member of the ISECS’ Executive Committee, where he is co-responsible for the International Review of Eighteenth-Century Studies. Together with J.-Chr. Abramovici he is the editor of the third volume (2017) Lumières et classicisme/Enlightenment and classicism/Aufklärung und Klassizismus.

Premier Vice-Président

s.charlesSébastien CHARLES (Canada) - Élu

Sébastien Charles est vice-recteur à la recherche et au développement de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (Canada). Délégué de la Société canadienne d’étude du 18e siècle (2011-2013) puis membre élu du comité exécutif de la SIEDS (2015-2019), il est actuellement second vice-président de la SIEDS (2019-). Historien de la philosophie moderne, il s’intéresse aux débats autour du cartésianisme et de l'idéalisme, à la résurgence du scepticisme aux 17e et 18e siècles, et à l’influence de ce courant philosophique sur la pensée des Lumières. Parmi ses travaux récents, on peut noter Academic Skepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy (2017) et Voltaire philosophe (2017).

s.p.hansenSøren Peter HANSEN (Danemark)

Søren Peter Hansen is Associate Professor emeritus at The Danish Technical University, and a former lecturer at the University of Copenhagen and Roskilde High School. He has specialized in Scandinavian literature from the 18th Century. His research interests are primarily focused on Scandinavian literature in the 18th Century. The last four years he has served as Treasurer of ISECS. Since 2001 he has been President of the Danish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies and since 2009 elected member of the Danish Society for Language and Literature (DSL). From 2012 to 2020 he was co-editor of the journal: 1700. Journal of Scandinavian 18th Century Studies. He has organized the ISECS EC-meeting and conference in Kolding, Joy and Laughter in The 18th Century at the University of Southern Denmark in 2010, and the Third Nordic 18th Century Conference Rights and Wrongs in the 18th Century at the University of Copenhagen in 2022.

Second Vice-Président (2 postes)

f.j.dijksterhuisFokko Jan DIJKSTERHUIS (Pays-Bas/Belgique)

Fokko Jan Dijksterhuis (1965) is Associate Professor of History of Science at the University of Twente and Thijssen-Schoute Professor of Early Modern Knowledge History at the Free University, Amsterdam. His research is in the cultural history of early modern knowledge practices and the emergence of categories of science, technology and society. He is chair of the Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (Werkgroep 18de Eeuw).

r.minutiRolando MINUTI (Italie) - Élu

Rolando Minuti is Professor of Modern History at the University of Florence. Since 2019, he has also been the director of Globhis, Inter-University Centre for Global History. His researches are mainly directed to the European historical culture during the long XVIIIth century, the representations of the Orient, the work of Montesquieu and other leading authors of the Age of Enlightenment. His main publications include: Oriente barbarico e storiografia settecentesca, Venezia, Marsilio, 1994; Montesquieu, Spicilège. Edité par R. Minuti, et annoté par S. Rotta, Oxford, The Voltaire Foundation, 2002; Orientalismo e idee di tolleranza nella cultura francese del primo ‘700, Firenze, Olschki, 2006; Studies on Montesquieu.  Mapping Political Diversity, Springer, 2018.

c.sethCatriona SETH (France) - Élue

Catriona Seth est Professeure à l’Université d’Oxford et à l’Université de Lorraine. Elle a été chercheuse invitée à IU (Bloomington, Etats-Unis), Augsburg (Allemagne), Gafsa (Tunisie), Queen's (Belfast, Royaume-Uni), Bergame (Italie), Chawton House (Royaume-Uni), la Fondation Bogliasco (Italie) et IASH (Edimbourg, Royaume-Uni). Elle est l’auteure de nombreuses publications sur la littérature française et l’histoire culturelle du long dix-huitième siècle et a traité de questions aussi diverses que la poésie, le roman, les mémoires de femmes, l’inoculation contre la variole et les représentations littéraires de figures historiques comme Marie Antoinette. Elle est ancienne Présidente de la Société Française d’Etude du Dix-Huitième Siècle (SFEDS), Secrétaire Générale de la SIEDS et Fellow de la British Academy, de l’Academia Europaea et de l’Académie Royale de Belgique. Elle a organisé deux séminaires jeunes chercheurs de la SIEDS et est pleinement engagée dans la promotion des échanges internationaux et le soutien aux chercheurs en début de carrière.

Secrétaire générale

c.donatoClorinda DONATO (États-Unis) - Élue

Clorinda Donato is professor of French and Italian at California State University, Long Beach, where she also directs the Clorinda Donato Center for Global Romance Languages and Translation Studies. She is an eighteenth-century scholar concerned with the transfer of knowledge through the translation of encyclopedic compilations. She is also concerned with gender in medical and literary accounts, the Catholic and Protestant Enlightenments, the Iberoamerican Enlightenment, and the history of the book. She has published more than 100 articles on these topics, as well as co-curated projects, including Fanny Hill Now, a special issue of Eighteenth-Century Life, with Nicholas Nace, 2019; in 2015 she published The Encyclopédie Méthodique in Spain with Ricardo Lopez, and in 2020 The Life and Legend of Catterina Vizzani. Sexual identity, science and sensationalism in eighteenth-century Italy and England, both with Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment. A collection of essays, Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations 1680–1830s, co-edited with Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, was published in 2021 with the University of Toronto Press. Also with Toronto she jointly edited Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas—Textualities, Intellectual Disputes, Intercultural Transfer with Marc André Bernier and Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink. The Life and Legend of Catterina Vizzani won the AATI Inaugural Book Prize in its category in 2021. With Pasquale Palmieri, University of Naples, Federico II, she is currently the co-Principal Investigator of the National Endowment for the Humanities project, “Rethinking Eighteenth-Century Italian Culture and Its Transnational Connections.” She attended her first ISECS conference at Bristol in 1992 and has attended every ISECS conference since. Clorinda Donato is Chevalier dan l’Ordre es Palmes Academique and Cavaliere, Ordine della Stella d’Italia.

m.hydeMelissa HYDE (États-Unis)

Melissa Hyde is Professor of Art History, Distinguished Teaching Scholar and Associate Director of the School of Art and Art History at the University of Florida. Her field is 18th-century European art, with an emphasis on the Rococo, on women and gender. Her books include Making Up the Rococo: François Boucher and His Critics (2006), and several edited volumes of essays, amongst them: Plumes et pinceaux: l’art français vue par les Européenes, 1750–1850 (2012), Rococo Echo: Art, Theory and Historiography from Cochin to Coppola (2015), Thinking Women and 18th Century French Art (forthcoming). Most recently Hyde’s research has been supported by the Center for Advanced Study, National Gallery Washington DC. She is co-editor of a new book series on 18th century art, Illuminating Women Artists (Lund Humphries/Getty), and is the editor of the H-France Forum for Art History.  Hyde is a past President of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2018-19). She attended her first ISECS conference in 2007, and served as the ASECS delegate to the ISECS Executive Committee in 2011, 2013, 2017 and 2020.

Secrétaire général adjointe

m.baramovaMaria BARAMOVÁ (Bulgarie)

Maria Baramová is an Associate Professor in Modern Balkan History at the Department of History of Byzantium and Balkan Peoples at the Faculty of History of Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. Her research interests and publications are related to the history of Habsburg-Ottoman relations, geopolitics and the history of surrounding space, military history and the history of peace treaties in the Early Modern period. From 2011 to 2012, she was a research fellow at the Leibniz-Institute for European History, Mainz. Maria Baramová has also specialised in Vienna, Munich, Cologne, Hamburg and Wolfenbüttel. Since 2009 she has been a member of the Bulgarian Society for 18th century Studies and since 2016 – vice secretary of the Society for 18th Century Studies on South Eastern Europe. For her work as an author on the history of Southeastern Europe in the pre-modern era, Maria Baramová received the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities Rudolf Meimberg-Prize of Excellence, for 2021.

s.okiSayaka OKI (Japon) - Élue

Sayaka Oki is a historian of sciences and Professor at the University of Tokyo, Japan. Her main research interests concern the history of academic science institutions in early modern France and the history of the classification of sciences. She has several publications on the history of scientific expertise in 18th-century France, and on Condorcet’s social mathematics in three languages, Japanese, French and English. For her first book, The Academy of Science and the “Useful Sciences.” From the Dream of Fontenelle to the Utopia of Condorcet (2011) in Japanese she was awarded the Japan Academy Medal and the JSPS Prize. She serves currently on the ISECS committee as the JSECS representative. She is a Scientific board member of the Connessioni. Studies in Transcultural History (Firenze University Press). Recently she enlarged her scope of study to the intellectual history of academic freedom and began to serve as a member of the Standing Committee for Freedom and Responsibility in Science at the International Science Council.


m.s.seguinMaria Susana SEGUIN (Argentine) - Élue

Maria Susana Seguin est maître de conférences HDR en littérature française du XVIIIe siècle à l'Université Paul Valéry Montpellier III. Elle est membre permanent de l'IHRIM (Institut d'Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités UMR 5317 du CNRS, ENS de Lyon), et membre senior de l'Institut Universitaire de France. Ses travaux portent sur le rapport entre sciences, philosophie et littérature. Elle dirige deux projets en Humanités numériques, « Philosophie clandestine » ( et « MHARS » (Mémoires et Histoire de l'Académie Royale des Sciences). Elle est directrice adjointe de La Lettre clandestine, revue annuelle consacrée à l'étude des manuscrits philosophiques clandestins (Paris, Classiques Garnier). Elle est vice-présidente et déléguée de l'Association Argentine d'Étude du XVIIIe siècle, qu'elle a contribué à créer.

a.w.pontenAnnika WINDAHL PONTÉN (Suède)

Annika Windahl Ponten has a PhD in History of Ideas and Science from Uppsala University. Her thesis was on identity and materiality in the household of swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus. A key element in her research is combining different types of sources such as texts, pictures and objects and she has a strong interest in methodology within this field. This includes also re-creation as a method. Annika has also published on Linnaeus, dance and music and is interested in 18th century music, dance, clothes and textiles in general. Currently she works as visitors coordinator at Uppsala university and Uppsala university library and she is the treasurer of the Swedish Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. Annika speaks Swedish and English, and some German. She believes strongly in international cooperation and ISECS has been an important network for her for a number of years.

Trésorier adjoint

b.careyBrycchan CAREY (Royaume-Uni)

Brycchan Carey is a Professor of English at Northumbria University, UK, with research interests in eighteenth-century empire and enslavement on the one hand and the cultures of natural history on the other. He is currently President of the British Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS), having previously served as Treasurer. He served on the ISECS committee as the BSECS representative in 2013–2019, during which time he chaired the organising committee of the International Congress on the Enlightenment at Edinburgh University in 2019. The congress saw 1519 papers given in 472 panels and generated a financial surplus of £83,000 which has been redistributed to the scholarly community in the form of bursaries and scholarships. He was directly elected to the ISECS committee in 2019, since when he has led a subcommittee working on a sustainable future for the ISECS Congress.

c.martinChristophe MARTIN (France) - Élu

Christophe Martin is Professor at the Faculté des Lettres of Sorbonne Université. He specializes in eighteenth-century French literature, and particularly Rousseau, Marivaux, Fontenelle, Montesquieu, Voltaire and Diderot. His research focuses on the links between fiction, anthropology and philosophy in the 18th century. He is the author of Espaces du féminin dans le roman français du dix-huitième siècle (Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, SVEC 2004: 01), « Dangereux Suppléments ». L’illustration du roman en France au dix-huitième siècle (Louvain-Paris, Peeters, 2005) ; « Éducations négatives ». Fictions d’expérimentation pédagogique au dix-huitième siècle (Paris, Classiques Garnier, 2010) ; Diderot. La Religieuse (Paris, Gallimard, 2010) ; Mémoires d’une inconnue. « La Vie de Marianne » de Marivaux (Rouen, PURH, 2014) ; L’Esprit des Lumières. Histoire, littérature, philosophie (Paris, A. Colin, 2017); La Philosophie des amants. Essai sur « La Nouvelle Héloïse », Paris, Sorbonne Université Presses, 2021 He has edited several volumes and published widely on eighteenth-century French literature.

MEMBRES ÉLUS (8 postes)

j.astigarragaJesús ASTIGARRAGA (Espagne) - Élu

Jesús Astigarraga is a Full Professor at the University of Zaragoza (Spain). He holds a PhD in Economics and a PhD in History (European Doctorate). He has been Visiting Professor at universities such as Oxford, Florence, Venise, KU Leuwen and Paris-I. His research has focused on the international circulation of economic and political ideas and their institutionalisation. More specifically, he has worked on the reception, dissemination and adaptation in Spain of the ideas of the European Enlightenment, with a particular emphasis on those coming from Great Britain, France and Italy, during the long Eighteenth-century. His research tries to show that the Spanish Enlightenment was not a marginal or secondary phenomenon. His latest books include, as editor and co-editor, The Spanish Enlightenment Revisited (Oxford, Voltaire Foundation, 2015) and Adam Smith and ‘The Wealth of Nations’ in Spain. A History of Reception, Dissemination, Adaptation and Application, 1777-1840 (London-New York, Routledge, 2022), and, as autor, A Unifying Enlightenment. Institutions of Political Economy in Eighteenth-Century Spain, 1700-1808 (Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2021).

l.berglundLisa BERGLUND (États-Unis)

Lisa Berglund is Professor and Chair of English at Buffalo State College in Buffalo, NY, USA, where she teaches courses in Shakespeare, Milton, the long eighteenth century, the history of the printed book, and lexicography. Her research focuses on Hester Lynch Piozzi, Samuel Johnson, and the history of English language lexicography. She has held fellowships from the Huntington, the Houghton Library, and the Cordell Collection. She served as Executive Director of the American Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (2017-2021), president of the Northeast American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2011-2021), board member of the East Central American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2006-2010), a delegate to the Delegate Assembly of the Modern Language Association (2014-2017), and executive director of the Dictionary Society of North America (2007-2013). She is also President of Opera-Lytes, a community theater organization dedicated to presenting the works of Gilbert and Sullivan. 

j.castonguay-belangerJoël CASTONGUAY-BÉLANGER (Canada)

Joël Castonguay-Bélanger est professeur agrégé de littérature française du XVIIIe siècle et directeur du Département d’études françaises, hispaniques et italiennes de l’Université de Colombie-Britannique à Vancouver. Ses travaux portent sur les rapports entre sciences et littérature. Il est l’auteur de Les Écarts de l’imagination. Pratiques et représentations de la science dans le roman au tournant des Lumières (PUM, 2008) et a co-signé avec Benoît Melançon l’édition critique de Voltaire à la radio canadienne (Éditions del Busso, 2013). Il a collaboré à l’édition du tome III des Œuvres complètes de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (Œuvres scientifiques : Études de la Nature et textes périphériques) paru en 2019 chez Classiques Garnier. Son prochain ouvrage sera consacré aux textes « astronomiques et polémiques » de Louis-Sébastien Mercier. Il est actuellement président de la Société canadienne d’études du dix-huitième siècle.

a.c.dos.santosAntônio Carlos DOS SANTOS (Brésil) - Élu

Antônio est Professeur d'éthique et de philosophie politique au Département de Philosophie de l'Université Fédérale de Sergipe. Il a été professeur invité à l'Université de Paris I - Sorbonne, entre 2017-2018. Ses recherches portent sur le XVIIe siècle anglais, en particulier la pensée politique de John Locke, et le XVIIIe siècle français, notamment Montesquieu. Entre 2014 et 2021, il a été délégué de l'ABES 18. Il est actuellement président de l'Association Brésilienne d'Études du XVIIIe siècle (ABES18). Il a publié, entre autres, «The tolerant Persia in Montesquieu's» dans Persia and the Enlightenment (Oxford University, 2021) et «The talking Parrot : Brazilian national symbol and avatar of human identity for John Locke» dans Human-animal interactions in the eighteenth century (Brill, 2021).

s.duttaSutapa DUTTA (Inde) - Élue

Sutapa Dutta is Professor of English at Gargi College, University of Delhi. She holds a doctorate in English Literature from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her research interests and publications focus on eighteenth and nineteenth-century writings, and cover gender, education, and identity in colonial India. She is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society, London, and was a Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla from 2018 to 2020. She has received several national and international grants for research work and has delivered talks at many forums. Her books include British Women Missionaries in Bengal, 1793-1861 (2017), Disciplined Subjects: Schooling in Colonial Bengal (2021), and edited volumes like Mapping India: Transitions and Transformations, 18th -19th Century (2020) and British Women Travellers: Empire and Beyond 1770-1870 (2020). She is currently the President of the Indian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies.

a.gaillardAurélia GAILLARD (France) - Élue

Aurélia Gaillard est professeur de littérature française du XVIIIe siècle à l’université Bordeaux Montaigne, membre senior de l’Institut Universitaire de France (IUF) et Présidente de la Société française d’Étude du Dix-huitième Siècle (SFEDS) depuis 2021. Elle a pour domaines de spécialité le fabuleux (fables, mythes, contes), la littérature et les arts, s’intéresse en particulier à la période rococo, à Montesquieu et à Diderot et se consacre désormais à l’étude des couleurs à l’époque des Lumières dans une perspective pluridisciplinaire, champ nouveau dans lequel elle a récemment dirigé trois numéros de revue : « La couleur des Lumières » (Dix-huitième Siècle, n° 51, 2019, avec C. Lanoë) et « Couleurs et identités à l’époque des Lumières » (Lumières, n°36, 2021) et « Contes en couleur », Aurélia Gaillard (dir.), Féeries, n°17, 2021.

s.holmSophie HOLM (Finlande) - Élue

Sophie Holm is a post doc at the University of Helsinki and within the DFG funded research project ’Languages of Eighteenth-century Russian Diplomacy in European Context’ at the German Historical Institute Moscow (Max Weber Foundation) – project now continuing in war-time exile with colleagues located in France, Germany and Finland. She works on the cultural history of diplomacy, with a special focus on translation history. She has been a member of the Executive Committee of the Finnish Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies since 2012 and a member of the Executive Committee of ISECS since 2017, first as a delegate for the Finnish society and as an elected member since 2019. She is currently a member of the editorial team of 1700-tal: Nordic Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies and has previously edited for Historisk tidskrift för Finland.

g.iamartinoGiovanni IAMARTINO (Italie) - Élu

Giovanni Iamartino est professeur à l'Université de Milan, où il enseigne l'histoire de la langue anglaise. Ses recherches portent sur l'histoire et l'historiographie de la traduction, l'histoire de la lexicographie (et de la codification linguistique en général) et l'histoire des relations linguistiques et culturelles anglo-italiennes. Membre depuis longtemps de la Société italienne d'études du XVIIIe siècle (SISSD) et actuellement l'un de ses vice-présidents, Giovanni Iamartino est également membre de l'ASECS depuis 2011. En 2009, il a été coopté au sein de la Samuel Johnson Society of North America et il a reçu en 2019 une Lewis Walpole Library Charles J. Cole Fellowship, Yale University. Actuellement il appuie le professeur Catriona Seth dans l’organisation de la 7e conférence conjointe BSECS/SISSD (actuellement reportée en raison de la pandémie de covid-19) et est membre du comité d'organisation du congrès SIEDS/ISECS de Rome 2023. En ce qui concerne ses publications récentes, Giovanni Iamartino a édité en 2021 un numéro spécial de English Studies intitulé «England in 1721 – Literature and society at the beginning of Walpole’s long tenure» et a coédité un livre sur Recent Trends in Translation Studies: An Anglo-Italian Perspective. Il rédige actuellement une monographie sur Giuseppe Baretti, maître de langue étrangère dans l'Angleterre du XVIIIe siècle.

b.kapossyBéla KAPOSSY (Suisse)

Béla Kapossy is Senior Professor at the Université de Lausanne. His research interests focus upon eighteenth-century European and Swiss political ideas, cultural history, and historiography. Béla is fluent in German, French, English and Italian; has supervised many students from Europe and gives lectures around the world. These last four years, he was also Dean of the College of Humanities at EPFL; he directs an interdisciplinary Doctoral School in eighteenth-century studies and the online platform Lumières.Lausanne, which edits eighteenth-century manuscripts from the Lausanne archives. Until earlier this year, he ran a SNSF funded international research project 'Enlightened Agrarian Republics' that compares eighteenth-century Switzerland,. Poland, and America. He most recently edited a big volume called 'Edward Gibbon et Lausanne. Le Pays de Vaud à la rencontre des Lumières europennes'. 

j.overhoffJürgen OVERHOFF (Allemagne)

Jürgen Overhoff is Professor for the History of Education at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. His research focuses on the Enlightenment in the transatlantic world, environmental studies, and gender. His publications include Friedrich der Große und George Washington. Zwei Wege der Auflärung (2011, 2nd ed. 2012); Human-Animal Interactions in the Eighteenth Century. From Pests and Predators to Pets, Poems, and Philosophy (2022 [with coeds. P. Corfield and S. Stockhorst]). In 2018-2022 he served as president of the German Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies; during that period he was a delegate member of the ISECS Executive Committee.

d.porterDavid PORTER (États-Unis)

David Porter is Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Chair of the Department of English at the University of Michigan, where he is also a Faculty Associate with the Center for Chinese Studies. His work, which has been supported over the years by research fellowships from the National Humanities Center in North Carolina, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the American Council of Learned Societies, and ISECS, has primarily concerned the problem of how to think China and England together in the eighteenth century and in the early modern period more broadly. He is the author of Ideographia: The Chinese Cipher in Early Modern Europe (Stanford 2002) and The Chinese Taste in Eighteenth-Century England (Cambridge 2010), as well as the editor of three essay collections, Comparative Early Modernities, Internet Culture, and Between Men and Feminism, and of a special China issue of Journal of Early Modern Cultural Studies. He has published articles in Eighteenth-Century Studies, Studies in Eighteenth-Century Culture, Eighteenth-Century Life, and Profession, among other journals, and has presented work and organized panels at many national and international eighteenth-century studies conferences. In 2021, he co-directed with Dena Goodman the ISECS Seminar for Early Career Scholars on Credulity in the Age of Reason. He has served as chair of the ASECS Clifford Prize Committee and of the Executive Committee of the MLA's Division on Restoration and Early 18th-Century Literature, and as the ASECS delegate to the ISECS Executive Committee. He is currently writing a book comparing developments in the literary cultures of England and China in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

m.rombergMarion ROMBERG (Autriche) - Élue

Marion Romberg is a research associate at the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) and a lecturer at the Institute of History at the University of Vienna. Marion received her PhD in history in 2015 and holds degrees in business administration and art history. A particular focus of her work is the use of digital methods to support her research in the areas of everyday life and piety history in southern Germany and the Habsburg Monarchy, early modern gender representation of dynastic women, and prosopographical documentation of courtly personnel at the Viennese court. She is currently leading the database project "The Viennese Court. A prosopographical Portal" (VieCPro, 2020–2023) at the ÖAW Institute for Habsburg and Balkan Studies. Since 2008 she has been a board member of the Austrian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies. In this capacity, she authored the Society's first history and contributes her DH expertise to the further development of the Society's online presence. She made the ÖGE18 membership directory available online for the first time and was instrumental in designing the Society's entire website and social media presence. Her latest project is the video interview project "Neues aus der wissenschaftlichen Bücherkiste", which is published continuously on the Society's own YouTube channel. With her candidacy as an elected member, Marion intends to actively contribute to the implementation of ISECS agendas, particularly in the area of Digital Humanities and ISECS History.

s.stockhorstStefanie STOCKHORST (Allemagne) - Élue

Stefanie Stockhorst is Professor for German Literature at the University of Potsdam. She was President of the German Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (2014–18; 2008–10 Vice-President) and is an Elected Member of the Executive Committee of the International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS) since 2019. Previously, she was the German delegate to the ISECS executive committee from 2008–2018. She is the responsible editor of the German Society’s journal Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert. In addition to numerous articles and edited volumes on 18th-century literature and culture, she has recently authored a monograph on the cultural history of riding manuals: Ars Equitandi. Eine Kulturgeschichte der Reitlehre in der Frühen Neuzeit (2020), and another one on maritime handbooks: Verschriftlichungsstrategien. Maritime Handbücher der Frühen Neuzeit zwischen Wissenspolitik und kultureller Inszenierung (2022).

i.szijartoIstván SZIJÁRTÓ (Hongrie)

István M. Szijártó (1965) est professeur ordinaire de l’histoire à l’Université Eötvös de Budapest et maintenant aussi professeur invité à Central European University, Vienne. Il s’est occupé d’une part de la micro-histoire, et de l’autre de l’histoire sociale et culturelle de la vie politique au dix-huitième siècle. Parmi ses ouvrages, on peut noter What is microhistory? Theory and practice (Routledge, 2013, avec Sigurður Gylfi Magnússon), et Estates and constitution. The parliament in eighteenth-century Hungary (Berghahn, 2020). Avec Wim Blockmans et László Kontler, il a rédigé Parliamentarism in Northern and East-Central Europe in the Long Eighteenth Century. Volume I: Prepresentative Institutions and Political Motivation (Routledge, 2022, publication prochaine). Voir pour plus de détails

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