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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I apply for FRQNT's program of scholarships of 2nd and 3rd cycles?

Scholarships of 2nd and 3rd cylces

Yes, candidates registered at the UQTR for at least 2 full-time sessions among the 3 sessions preceding the competition deadline and/or having a permanent address in Quebec since the 2 of the last 3 sessions may apply.

What are the important dates for Merit scholarship program for foreign students?

  •    August 25, 2024, 11:59 PM: UQTR application deadline
       September 30, 2024: Results of UQTR preselection to candidates
       November 5, 2024 4 pm: Submission of application to FRQ by preselected candidates

When will the results be announced to the candidates?

  End of April 2025: Final FRQ selection

What are the selection steps?

   1- Verification of the application’s eligibility
   2- Study of each application by a multidisciplinary committee of UQTR professors
   3- Application ranking by consensus and transmission of preselection results to FRQ according to quotas for each category.
   4- Application, by each preselected candidate, for the scholarship through the FRQ web portal before November 5
   5- Application analysis by the FRQ multidisciplinary committee
   6- Results are communicated by the end of April 2025

What are the selection criteria?

  • Excellence of university records (MSc 45%, PhD 30%, Postdoctoral research 20%, Short-term research 30%)
       Cumulative average obtained;
       Progression of studies;
  •    Duration of studies;
       Prizes and distinctions.
  • Aptitude for research and relevant research experience, where applicable (MSc 0%, PhD 40%, Postdoctoral research 30%, Short-term research 30%)
  •    Reason for the application;
  •    Candidate’s experience and achievements;
  •    Leadership skills;
  •    Referees letters of reference;
       General presentation of the file.
  • Scientific quality and interest of the research project and the proposed research environment (MSc 55%, PhD 30%, Postdoctoral research 50%, Short-term research 40%)
  •    Quality of the supervision provided by the environment;
  •    Clarity of the scientific objectives;
  •    Relevance of the methodology for the objectives sought;
  •    Originality of the project;
  •    Contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the relevant field;
  •    Compatibility of the proposed project with the supervisor’s field of research (doctoral scholarships only).

When is the scholarship applicable? Is there a deadline to claim it?

The scholarship period must begin between May 1, 2025, and January 15, 2026.
The scholarships cannot be carried over from one year to another year. It is therefore not possible to delay the scholarship start date after January 15, 2026.
The scholarship applies from the Summer 2025 semester. It is not retroactive to anterior semesters.

Can a candidate apply in more than one university?


Can a supervisor support/accept more than one candidate?


What are UQTR’s preselection criteria?

They are essentially the same as the FRQ’s. The preselection process is governed by the merit of the candidate, and by the good fit between the candidate’s research project and the supervisor’s research priorities and capacities for supervision. The multidisciplinary preselection committee is formed by  UQTR professors who do not support any candidate. The final ranking must be consensually agreed upon by all the committee members. Preselection committee could decide NOT to revise proposals showing :

- a GPA lower than 3,5/4,3;

- less than 3 publications, and/or no publication as the first author.

Is a candidate who already has a PhD eligible for the Doctoral research scholarship?

According to PBEEE rules, this candidate would NOT be eligible because the eligibility period would most probably be over in this particular case. This    scholarship is only provided for the first 9 semesters of a PhD degree. All PhD semesters count, not just the ones for which the scholarship is solicited.    Consequently, if the candidate already holds a PhD degree, they should already have reached the 9-semester period during which the scholarship is available.

Is a candidate who does not speak French eligible?

Yes. It would be important for the supervisor to explain, in the selection letter, how the candidate’s integration in the research facility and the UQTR environment  will be done, in spite of not speaking French. Remember that the quality of the investigation environment is part of the selection criteria.

What is the use of the acceptance letter? What should it contain?

The acceptance letter defines the UQTR professor’s interest (the future supervisor) for the candidate’s research project. Here are the main points to be included in the letter:
—Explain how this candidate would contribute to the UQTR internationalization process and to its development;
—Show how the candidate’s research project fits within the supervisor’s research activities;
—Indicate how the candidate will be supervised;
—Show how the research environment will foster the candidate’s research skills and allow them to attain their research       objectives;
—Any complementary information that could help the selection committee to know better the research environment;
—Describe the material resources the candidate will have access to during the development of the research project.

The letter must be a maximum of 2 pages. It should be printed on letterhead paper, signed and attached as a PDF to an email sent to:    echange.bri@uqtr.ca
This same selection letter will later be required by the FRQ when the preselected candidates will activate their on-line Scholarship application.

When should the selection letter be submitted?

The supervisor must submit the selection letter directly to the International Relations Office by email at echange.bri@uqtr.ca, at the latest on the     application deadline, August 25,2024 11:59 PM.

Who are the respondents, and what is a good reference letter?

The respondent must be familiar with the research project and the candidate’s academic progression. They must be able to compare the candidate to other     students in the same program and highlight the candidate’s qualities.

   A good respondent must:
   Explain their expertise as a respondent;
   Have an enthusiastic tone;
   Explain why this is a high-calibre candidate who deserves a scholarship;
   Highlight the candidate’s skills and accomplishments;
   Underscore the candidate’s academic and research skills;
   Emphasize the candidate’s personal and professional qualities;
   Support the information contained in the application;
   Confirm and explain the innovative aspect of the project;
   Meet the deadlines.

When should the reference letters from the referees be submitted?

The FRQ requests reference letters from the pre-identified referees for preselected candidates only. Referees will have to fill in a model, and submit it to the    FRQ through a web portal before the deadline for application submission to FRQ by preselected candidates (November 5, 2024 4:00 PM).

Can the UQTR supervisor provide a reference letter?

No. The UQTR supervisor has to send an acceptance letter.

Will I need a Study Permit?

You can get information on the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship help centre site: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/helpcentre/answer.asp?qnum=478&top=15

Will I need a Québec Acceptance Certificate?

You can get information on the CAQ website:
https://www.immigration-quebec.gouv.qc.ca/en/immigrate-settle/students/obtaining-authorizations/certificat-   acceptation/

If you have general questions about this merit scholarship, you can look at the program’s website:


Or write directly to FRQNT:


Bureau des relations internationales 

Pavillon : Suzor Côté • Local : 0010
Téléphone : 819 376-5011 poste 2105 
Télécopieur : 819 376-5024
Sans frais : 1 800 365-0922
Site Web: uqtr.ca/bri  
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