
Articles publiés dans une revue avec comité de lecture

Peterson, C. (2024, in press). Automated ethical decision, value-ladenness, and the moral prior problem. AI and Ethics.

Peterson, C. & Broersen, J. (2024). Understanding the limits of explanable ethical AI. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools.

Peterson, C. (2023). Further thoughts on defining f(x) for ethical machines: Ethics, Rational Choice, and Risk Analysis. 36th Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS-36) (1-9). Florida Online Journals.

Tardif, N., & Peterson, C. (2023). Autonomous decisions and rational choice: How to model epistemic rationality?. Deontic Logic and Normative Systems, Maranhao, Peterson, Strasser, and van der Torre (eds) (341-342). College Publications.

Peterson, C., and Hamrouni, N. (2022). Priliminary thoughts on defining f(x) for ethical machines. 35th Conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS-35) (1-6). Florida Online Journals.

Peterson, C. (2020). How to act? Reasoning with conflicting obligations. 33th Conference of the Floridav Artificial Intelligence Research Society (FLAIRS-33) (533-536). Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence.