
Catégorie de la publication :

Rapport de recherche gouvernemental

Hallée, Y., Parent-Lamarche, A., Gauthier, C.-A., Lapierre, J., Ekani-Onambélé Y’Ewondo, I. G., Côté, F., Crépin, E., Alexandre, M. et Bemba Gnoungou, J.-C. (2022). L’analyse du phénomène de la sous-valorisation des emplois à prédominance féminine et proposition de recommandations visant à assurer une meilleure reconnaissance de la valeur de ces emplois. Secrétariat à la condition féminine. Québec. 200 pages.

Articles avec comité de lecture

Hamouche, S. & Parent-Lamarche, A. (2022). Teleworkers' job performance: A study examining the role of age as an important diversity component of companies’ workforce. Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance.

Boulet. M. & Parent-Lamarche, A. (2022). Workers’ Well-being and Job Performance   in the Context of COVID-19: a Sector-Specific Approach. Evidence-based HRM: A global Forum for Empirical Scholarship.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Laforce, S. (2022). A Moderated Mediation Analysis of New Work-Related Stressors, Psychological Distress, and Absenteeism in Healthcare during a Pandemic: Is Recognition the Cure for Preventing Falling in Battle? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002619

Boulet. M. & Parent-Lamarche, A. (2022). Paradoxical Effects of Teleworking on Workers’ Well-being in the COVID-19 Context: A Comparison between Different Public Administrations and the Private Sector. Public Personnel Management. 

Parent-Lamarche, A., Fernet, C. & Austin, S. (2022). Going (or not) the Extra Mile: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Job Resources, Abusive Leadership, Autonomous Motivation, and Extra-Role Performance. Administrative Sciences. “Special issue: Innovative Leaders and Empowered Employees: Insights into the Future of Work”.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Biron, C. (2022). When bosses are burned out: Psychosocial safety climate and its effect on managerial quality. International Journal of Stress  Management.

Parent-Lamarche, A., Marchand, A. & Saade, S. (2022). Psychological Distress in the Workplace: The Indirect Contribution of Work Organization Conditions to Work Performance. Work:     A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 72 (4): 169-1480. 10.3233/WOR-210843

Parent-Lamarche, A. (2022). Teleworking, Work Engagement, and Intention to Quit During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Same Storm, Different Boats? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Parent-Lamarche, A., Marchand, A. & Saade, S. (2021). A Multilevel Analysis of the Role Personality Play Between Work Organization Conditions and Psychological Distress. BMC Psychology.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Boulet, M. (2021). Employee Well-being in COVID-19 Pandemic: The Moderating Role of Teleworking During the First Lockdown in the province of Quebec, Canada. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 10.3233/WOR-205311

Saade, S., Parent-Lamarche, A., Bazarbachi, Z., Ezzeddine, R., Ariss, R. (2021). Depressive Symptoms In the Helping Professions: A Systematic Review of Prevalence rate and Work-Related Risk Factors. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Parent-Lamarche, A., Marchand, A. & Saade, S. (2021). Does salivary cortisol secretion mediate the association of work-related stressors with workers' depression? International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Simard, K. & Parent-Lamarche, A. (2021). Abusive Leadership, Psychological Well-Being, and Intention to Quit During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Moderated Mediation Analysis Among Quebec’s Healthcare System Workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Boulet, M. (2021). Workers’ Stress During the First Lockdown: Consequences on Job performance Analyzed with a Mediation Model. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. DOI: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000002172

Parent-Lamarche, A., Marchand, A. & Saade, S. (2021). How Do Work Organization Conditions Affect Job Performance? The mediating role of Workers’ Well-being. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. doi: 10.1080/15555240.2021.1872382

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Fernet, C. (2020). The role of employee self-efficacy in top-down burnout crossover: A longitudinal study. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medecine. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000001924

Parent-Lamarche, A., Marchand, A. & Saade, S. (2020). Does depression mediate the effect of work organization conditions on job performance? Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 62(4): 296-302.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Marchand, A. (2019). Well-being at work from a multilevel perspective : What is the role of personality traits? International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 12(5):298-317. doi:10.1108/IJWHM-05-2019-0066

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Marchand, A. (2019). Work and depression: the moderating role of personality traits. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health.

Biron, C., Parent-Lamarche, A., Ivers, H. & Baril-Gingras, G. (2018). Do as you say: The Effects of Psychosocial safety climate on managerial quality: Testing a mediation model. International Journal of Workplace Health Management.

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Marchand, A. (2018). Work stress, personality traits, and cortisol secretion: Testing a model for job burnout. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation, 60(3), 485-497.

Articles de vulgarisation scientifique

Morneau, A., Parent-Lamarche, A. & Biron, C. (2022). Quand les gestionnaires sont épuisés – Le climat de sécurité psychosociale comme préalable essentiel. Centre d’expertise en gestion de la santé et de la sécurité du travail. Fiche de vulgarisation scientifique et ressource pratique (infographie) en ligne: 

Boulet, M. & Parent-Lamarche, A. (2020). Le bien-être psychologique et la performance au travail en temps de pandémie COVID-19.  A+, le carrefour des acteurs publics. 7(2).

Laurin, F. & Parent-Lamarche, A. (2020). Les privilèges et l'économie: inégalité, inefficacité et démotivation. La Galère. 17(5).

Parent-Lamarche, A. & Laurin, F. (2019). Les femmes, le marché du travail et la loi des grands nombres. La Galère. 17(1).