Welcome to IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2024
Energy and Powertrain Losses Management of an e-Racing Vehicle
The IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, the University of Nottingham, the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and the University of Cagliari are proud to launch the IEEE VTS Motor Vehicles Challenge 2024.
Challenge Objective
Motor Vehicle Challenge (MVC), supported by IEEE Vehicular Technology Society, is an annual activity to find an appropriate energy management strategy to improve electric vehicles' performance. In MVC 2024, power losses and efficiency of power converters using silicon carbide MOSFET and an internal permanent magnet (IPM) motor are modelled and implemented into an electric vehicle powertrain model for a racing vehicle with hybrid energy storage sources. The objective of the developed strategy is to minimise both the energy consumption of the energy storage sources and the losses and costs of all the power electronics converters and the electric machine. Participants from both academia and industry are welcome to participate and submit the solutions for the Challenge.
The top-scored participating teams will be distinguished and invited to present their solutions in a special session of the IEEE-VPPC 2024.
The racing vehicle developed at the University of Nottingham