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Recherche en Sciences Thanatologiques [Expérimentales et Sociales]

What is REST[ES]?


The site for Research on Experimental and Social Thanatology is a high security outdoor facility primarily dedicated to the physical, chemical and biological study of human decomposition. Research conducted at REST[ES] is focused on the study of death and the post-mortem processes that occur in a Northern cold climate.

REST[ES] is a combined initiative of the Laboratoire de recherche en criminalistique (LRC)(new window), the Département de chimie, biochimie et physique(new window) and the Département d'anatomie(new window) de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.

REST[ES] is situated within the Société du parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour (SPIPB)(new window). Access to REST[ES] is restricted only to authorized personnel in an effort to maintain the dignity and respect for all of our donors. We do not provide tours to the general public or media.

Why do we need REST[ES]?