Colloque international sur la traduction économique, commerciale, financière et institutionnelle

Confirmed keynote speakers

Silvana Debonis, translator and lecturer in business and financial translation English-Spanish, Universidad Católica Argentina in Buenos Aires, at New York University (online), and the Colegio de Traductores Públicos in Buenos Aires.

Geoffrey Koby, associate professor, German translation, Kent State University.

Frédéric Houbert, freelance translator specialized in legal and financial translation. He is the author of numerous articles on legal translation and three reference books in this field, including a recent English-French dictionary of legal terminology: Dictionnaire de terminologie juridique anglais-français.

Josée St-Pierre, full professor, finance, director of the Multidisciplinary Research Centre on SMEs and Entrepreneurship (CRIPMEE), chairholder of Canada Research Chair in Risk and Performance Management of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses and chairholder of National Bank Chair on Innovation and Risk Management in SMEs, director of the Research Laboratory on Corporate Performance (LaRePE).



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