* Étudiants ayant collaboré aux publications
Rivard, M.-C., *Ngopya Djiki, S., *Lavallée, É., Trudeau, F., Boudreau, F., *Castonguay, A. et Lachance, É. (2019). Lifestyle habits in a university context : students’ point of view. Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2019 (pp. 259-261). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press. https://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Education-and-New-Developments_2019_Vol_II.pdf
Lavallée, É., Rivard, M-C., Dugas, C. (2019). The perception of school staff and parents in regard to the “Enfant Nature” approach in a Quebec preschool. Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2019 (pp. 323-325). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press. https://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Education-and-New-Developments_2019_Vol_I.pdf
Rivard, M.-C., *Boulanger, M., Stoloff, S., Trudeau, F. et *Ngopya, S. (2018). Sensitization training and healthy environments : impacts perceived by the stakeholders. Actes, Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2018 (pp. 457-459). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press.http://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Education-and-New-Developments_2018.pdf
*Boulanger, M., Rivard, M.-C. et Deslandes, R. (2018). Entrepreneurial school : a platform for realization of interdisciplinary projects. Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2018 (pp. 431-433). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press. http://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Education-and-New-Developments_2018.pdf
Stoloff, S., *Boulanger, M., *Glaude-Roy, J., Miquelon, P., et Rivard, M.-C. (2018). Professional well-being: the point of view of physical education teachers. Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2018 (pp. 412-414). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press. http://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Education-and-New-Developments_2018.pdf
Rivard, M.-C., *Boulanger, M. et Stoloff, S. (2016). Trainers as key actors in sensitization sessions toward transformative activities. Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2016 (pp. 287-289). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press. : http://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/END-2016_Book-of-Proceedings.pdf
*Boulanger, M., Rivard, M.-C. et Deslandes, R. (2016). Interdisciplinary projects implemented in the entrepreneurial school: a new trend in teaching. Dans M. Carmo (Ed.), Education and New Developments 2016 (pp. 295-297). World Institute Advanced Research and Science (WIARS), Lisbonne, Portugal: InScience Press. : http://end-educationconference.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/END-2016_Book-of-Proceedings.pdf
Turcotte, S., Grenier, J., Beaudoin, C., Rivard, M-C., et Leroux, M. (2014). L'enseignement en éducation à la santé en début de carrière, des intentions mises à l'épreuve. Actes, Dans D. Berger, D. Loizon, M. Balcou-Debussche, Y. Léal, G. Sidéris, M.-P. Mackiewicz (Dir.), Éducation à la santé et complexité : Recherches, formations, pratiques (pp. 221-236). Colloque des IUFM, Paris, France.
Rivard, M.-C. & Turcotte, S. (2013). Perceptions of students' parents in a school health approach in Quebec: Two case studies. Actes, Proceedings : Conference The Future of Education (pp. 753-758). Edited by Pixel. Florence, Italy, June.
Turcotte, S., Grenier, J., Rivard, M.-C., Beaudoin, C., Roy, M., Goyette, R. et Desbiens, J.-F. (2012). Besoins de formation en éducation à la santé. Actes, Dans D. Berger et C. Simar (Éds.), Éducation à la santé dans et hors écoles (pp. 395-411). Colloque international UNIRéS, Paris, France.
Grenier, J., Rivard, M.-C., Beaudoin, C. et Turcotte, S. (2012). Perceptions de l'importance et de la maîtrise des compétences professionnelles en début de carrière d'enseignement de l'ÉPS. Actes (pp. 544-560), Congrès International de l'AIPU. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières.
Deslandes, R., Rivard, M.-C., Trudeau, F., Bizzoni-Prévieux, C., Lemoyne, J. et Joyal, F. (2011). Role of families and schools in the adaptation process of immigrant children in their environment. Actes, Dans M. Pieri, A. Pepe et L. Addimando (Eds.), Home school and community: A partnership for a happy life? (pp. 46-48). International Conference of the European Research Network About Parents in Education (ERNAPE). Bologne: I Libri Di EMIL.
Deslandes, R., Rivard, M.-C., Joyal., F. et Trudeau, F. (2010). Perceptions of the impacts of the arts du cirque program: A case study. Annual meeting of the AERA, Denver, CO. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED510304.
Deslandes, R., Rivard, M.-C., Joyal, F., Trudeau, F. et Laurencelle, L. (2009). Family-school collaboration in the context of learning assessment practices and communication. Annual meeting of the AERA, San Diego, CA. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED505218.