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First International Conference on Biolinguistics of the UQTR(June 24-26, 2022)


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Dr. Calixto Agüero Bautista

Dr. Agüero Bautista obtained a prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to study in the USA in 1994. He obtained an MA in applied linguistics from Arizona State University in 1996, and a PhD in linguistics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in 2001. Noam Chomsky and Irene Heim were among the members of his dissertation committee. Dr. Agüero Bautista worked as a Computational Semanticist for the Natural Language Processing Group of the Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, Seattle, before carrying out post-doctoral research at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). His post-doctoral research focused on the interaction of universal principles of economy and principles of language development within biologically realistic models of human language (e.g. the Minimalist Program). In 2007, he was the main organizer of the Biolinguistic Investigations Conference, which took place in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and which was organized in consultation with Noam Chomsky and Massimo Piattelli Palmarini.  

Dr. Agüero Bautista joined the faculty of the Department of Modern Languages and Translation of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières in 2010. He is now the Program Director of the modern languages section of the department.     

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Calixto Aguero Bautista

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