Groupe de recherche interuniversitaire en limnologie et en environnement aquatique

EDI Policy Within the GRIL

The promotion and integration of the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in the research ecosystem are one of the main concerns of government funding agencies (NSERC, FRQNT) and academic institutions. These principles aim to eliminate the systemic barriers that disadvantage particular groups, increase diversity and foster inclusive behavior in research.

The GRIL has implemented certain measures to better inform its members about the importance of EDI principles in research, about concrete ways to strengthen these principles in the academic environment and about the possible impact of unconscious bias in research activities. Resources to learn more about EDI principles are also available on our EDI Resources page.

EDI Committee

The GRIL has established an EDI committee which ensures:

  • to provide EDI training workshops to all members;
  • to identify programs, principles and actions to maintain the EDI vision within the GRIL;
  • to supervise the application of our principles and actions in all of our programs and activities.

The EDI Committee is composed of a management person, a person from the coordination and members of the student, postdoctoral, professional and professorial communities of the GRIL. The GRIL invites its members to contact Frédérique Bélanger-Lépine and Olivier Morissette, the heads of this committee, for any questions or issues related to the application of EDI principles within GRIL activities.

Allocation of Financial Support

The GRIL’s funding is allocated in a manner that offers equal opportunities to all groups of people. In addition, funding applications for workshops and research derbies must demonstrate that the project adheres to the EDI policy within the GRIL. The GRIL also offers financial support for members of the student community who have children during their studies and who do not have access to other sources of funding (e.g., home university or funding agencies).

Organization of Activities

The GRIL aims to ensure a diversity of groups of people during the organization of activities such as training workshops, symposiums, seminars and the Annual Symposium. The GRIL ensures that these activities are accessible to the entire community. The GRIL also encourages families to travel so that members with children can participate in the activities. In addition, when possible, the GRIL offers bilingual and online activities in order to reach a larger number of people. At all times, people participating in the activities can communicate in the language of their choice.

Integration and Mentoring

The GRIL promotes the integration of its members within its partner institutions:

  • information sessions are offered to the entire GRIL community;
  • new research members are invited to give a presentation at the GRIL Annual Symposium, to introduce them to our members, to promote their research and expertise and to promote collaborations;
  • the GRIL encourages postdoctoral fellows to be regular members of two strategic clusters so they can benefit from the same opportunity as researchers and take advantage of a larger network for collaboration and a diversity of mentorship.

The individual GRIL university poles are very strong and the collaborative spirit is also supported amongst universities, by pooling equipment for field work, analytical services and support from technicians associated with different laboratories, among other things. Collaborations with new researchers are also prioritized in the decisions to grant funds from the GRIL Program for Collaborative Projects; thereby also promoting the integration of new researchers.

The GRIL is a strategic cluster funded by The Fonds de recherche du Québec
