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Jasor, I., Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2024). De la théorie à l'action : cohérence entre l'enseignement et les croyances vis-à-vis l'implantation des approches plurilingues. Revue Canadienne des Langues Vivantes/Canadian Modern Language Review, 80(2), 134-157.

Paquet, P-L. & Woll, N. (accepted). À la croisée des chemins : Modèle d’enseignement translinguistique-communicatif. La Revue de l’AQEFLS. 

Woll, N., & Paquet, P-L. (2024). Comment intégrer la réflexion translinguistique aux pratiques communicatives en classe de FLE. Französisch Heute, 55(2), 18-23.

Wouters, I., Paquet, P.-L., Woll, N., & Jasor, I. (2024). De la théorie à l'action : l'implantation d'un modèle d'enseignement translinguistique-communication dans les cours de Lx. In Actes de la 10e Rencontre sur l'enseignement des langues (ReEL). Université du Québec à Montréal.

Woll, N., & Paquet, P.-L. (2023). Concevoir des matériaux didactiques intégrant réflexion translinguistique et pratiques communicatives. Proposition d'un modèle. Les Langues Modernes - Didactiques intégrée des langues : apprendre les langues en s'appuyant sur d'autres langues (special issue), 3, 33-45.

Wouters, I., Woll, N., & Paquet, P.-L. (2023). Modelling plurilingual instruction through a crosslinguistic-communicative task sequence: A developmental study. TASK, 3(1), 28-73.  

Woll, N., Paquet, P.-L., & Wouters, I. (2022). Language as a vehicle or as a resource? The nature of metalinguistic reflection in a plurilingual consciousness-raising task. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development.

Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2021). Debunking student teachers' beliefs regarding the target language only rule. In J. Pinto, & N. Alexandre (Eds.), Multilingualism and third language acquisition: Learning and teaching trends, (pp. 95–116). Berlin: Language Science Press.

Woll, N., & Paquet, P-L. (2021). Developing crosslinguistic awareness through plurilingual consciousness-raising tasks. Language Teaching Research.

Woll, N. (2020). Towards crosslinguistic pedagogy : Demystifying pre-service teachers’ beliefs regarding the target-language-only rule. Translanguaging as a challenge for language teachers (Special Issue). System, 92, 1-11.

Paquet, P.-L. (2019). Probing the evidence : Can we bridge the theory-practice gap in language research? Book Review. Emerging Trends in Education, 2(3), 76-79.

Paquet, P.-L., & García Ponce, E. E. (2019). Effects of using translanguaging strategies during pre-task planning on EFL learners’ complexity, accuracy and fluency : Implications for narrative tasks. In Proceedings of the 51st annual meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, (pp.91-95). British Association for Applied Linguistics.

Starcke, B., Wouters, I., & Döderlein, S. (2019). En français s’il vous plait : le rôle de la L1 dans l’enseignement de la culture allemande à l’UQAM. In Demperio, J., Deraîche, M. & Payeras-Robles J. (Eds), Proceedings – 7th Meeting on Language Teaching (ReEL/MeLT) (pp.91-106). Montréal:Université du Québec à Montréal.

Woll, N. (2019). How French-speaking Quebeckers reflect on their language : A critical look at the concept of metalinguistic awareness. Language Awareness, 28(1), 49-73.

Paquet, P.-L. (2018). Influence of L1 properties and proficiency on the acquisition of gender agreement. Journal of Language & Education, 4(1), 92-104.

Paquet, P.-L. (2018). Linear distance : A multi-tiered methodology in the acquisition of gender agreement. Open Journal for Studies in Linguistics, 1(1), 1-14.

Paquet, P.-L., & Downs, S. (2018). Oral portfolio in Spanish as a third language : Harnessing the potential of self- and peer-assessment. Journal of Language Teaching & Research, 9(6), 1168-1176.

Woll, N. (2018). Investigating dimensions of metalinguistic awareness : What think-aloud protocols revealed about the cognitive processes involved in positive transfer from L2 to L3. Language Awareness, 27(1-2), 167-185.

Paquet, P.-L. (2017). Influencia de las propiedades de la L1 y del nivel de competencia en la adquisición de la concordancia de género : Una comparación entre estudiantes francófonos y anglófonos de español L2 [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. RUA, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain.

Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2017). Oral portfolio and self-evaluation : Encouraging metalinguistic reflection in university-level learners of Spanish. In Proceedings of the 5th annual meeting on language teaching (pp. 88-102).

Woll, N. (2017). The multilingual experience : Can individual factors related to multilingual usage predict metalinguistic awareness? Dutch Journal of Applied Linguistics 6(1), 77-99.

Woll, N., & Paquet, P.-L. (2017). Oral portfolio and self-evaluation : Encouraging metalinguistic reflection in university-level learners of Spanish (L3). In Proceedings of the 5th Meeting on Language Teaching (ReEL/MeLT/) (pp. 88-102). Montréal : Université of Québec in Montréal.

Woll, N. (2016). The role of metalinguistic awareness and L2 proficiency in positive lexical transfer from English (L2) to German (L3) by French-speaking Quebeckers (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Laval University, Québec.

Paquet, P.-L. (2012). Propuesta didáctica adaptada a la enseñanza del español para francófonos y anglófonos basada en Análisis de Errores [Unpublished Master's thesis]. RUA, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain.


Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2021, March 20-23). A crosslinguistic approach to teaching initial-stage learners of French and Spanish as an additional language [Conference presentation]. 2021 Virtual AAAL Conference – American Association for Applied Linguistics, United States.

Woll, N., Paquet, P.-L., & Wouters, I. (2021, March 20-23). Modelling translanguaging instruction through a crosslinguistic-communicative task sequence: A developmental study [Conference presentation]. 2021 Virtual AAAL Conference – American Association for Applied Linguistics, United States.

Woll, N., Wouters, I., Gendron-Perrault, N., & Paquet, P.-L. (2021, May 13). Exploring the crosslinguistic-communicative teaching model [Presentation]. Second Language Research Group Speaker Series, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Wouters, I., Gendron-Perrault, N., Woll, N., & Paquet, P.-L. (2021, April 30). Modèle d’enseignement translinguistique-communicatif : Un outil pédagogique concret [Workshop]. Conférence Le bilinguisme et au-delà : Faire avancer la réflexion sur les pédagogies, les politiques et les pratiques, Ottawa, Canada.

Woll, N., & Paquet, P.-L. (2020, March 12). Promoting plurilingual practices in higher education : A crosslinguistic approach to teaching additional languages in Quebec and Mexico [Presentation]. Plurilingual Lab Speaker Series, McGill University, Montréal, Canada.

Wouters, I., & Woll, N. (2020, January 29). Développement d’un modèle translinguistique-communicatif pour défier le "principe monolingue" dans les classes de L2 [Poster presentation]. Concours de vulgarisation de la recherche en éducation (CVRE2020), Université of Québec in Montréal, Montréal, Canada.

Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2019, October 4). Crosslinguistic awareness in L3 classrooms at the university level [Conference presentation. Texas Language Education Research, San Antonio, United States

Woll, N. (2019, May 15). Pädagogische Ansätze zur Förderung mehrsprachigen Bewusstseins in Québec und in Mexiko [Presentation]. Romanistic Institute, University of Mannheim, Germany.

Paquet, P.-L. (2018, August 3). Influencia de las propiedades de la L1 y del nivel de competencia en la adquisición de la concordancia de género [Conference presentation]. International Conference of Languages, Linguistics & Translation, Mexico City, Mexico.

Paquet, P.-L. (2018, May 30). Validating elicited oral imitation tests : Comparing results with another implicit measure [Conference presentation]. Research Methodology in the Field of Second Language Acquisition & Research, Montpellier, France.

Paquet, P.-L., & García Ponce, E. E. (2018, September 6). Effects of using translanguaging strategies during pre-task planning on EFL learners’ complexity, accuracy and fluency : Implications for narrative tasks [Conference presentation]. 51st annual meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics, York, England.

Paquet, P.-L. & Lengeling, M. (2018, June 25). Vignette-based research for studying preservice teachers’ perception of the target-language only rule [Conference presentation]. VII International Qualitative Research Conference "Inquiring with Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics", Guanajuato, Mexico.

Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2018, September 13). Debunking student teachers’ beliefs regarding the target-language-only rule [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, Lisbon, Portugal.

Woll, N. (2018, September 14). A crosslinguistic approach to teaching German (L3) to pre-service second language teachers in Quebec [Conference presentation]. International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, Lisbon, Portugal.

Woll, N., Paquet, P.-L., & Astelarra, L. (2018, May 3). À la découverte des processus translinguistiques en contexte formel [Conference presentation]. "Translanguaging": Opportunities and challenges in a globalized world (CCERBAL), Ottawa, Canada.

Woll, N., Paquet, P-L., & Downs, S. (2018, October 27). Towards crosslinguistic pedagogy : Demystifying student teachers’ beliefs regarding the target-language-only rule [Conference presentation]. Second Language Research Forum, Montréal, Canada.

Paquet, P.-L. (2017, June 2). The influence of the L1 properties in the acquisition of the Spanish Gender Agreement : Comparison between French and English L2 learners [Conference presentation]. The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL), Toronto, Canada.

Woll, N. (2017, June 11-15). More than just transfer : How initial-stage learners of German (L3) manipulate their multilingual repertoire [Conference presentation]. Eleventh International Symposium on Bilingualism, Limerick, Ireland.

Paquet, P.-L., & Woll, N. (2016, April 22). Portfolio oral et auto-évaluation : Encourager la réflexion métalinguistique chez les apprenants d'espagnol L3 au niveau universitaire [Conference presentation]. 5th Meeting on Language Teaching (ReEL/MeLT/), Montréal, Canada.

Woll, N. (2016, July 19-22). Investigating dimensions of metalinguistic awareness : What think-aloud protocols revealed about the cognitive processes involved in positive transfer from L2 to L3 [Conference presentation]. Association for Language Awareness (ALA) Conference, Vienna, Austria.

Woll, N. (2016, September 1-3). Investigating lexical transfer from English (L2) to German (L3) by French-speaking Quebeckers in a foreign language classroom [Conference presentation]. Tenth International Conference on Third Language Acquisition and Multilingualism, Vienna, Austria.

Woll, N. (2016, March 13). La réflexion métalinguistique en acquisition multilingue et en traduction [Conference presentation]. Jeux de la Traduction, Trois-Rivières, Canada.

Woll, N. (2016, May 9). Transférer ou ne pas transférer, là n’est pas la seule question [Conference presentation]. 84e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.

Woll, N. (2016, May 9). Transférer ou ne pas transférer, là n’est pas la seule question [Conference presentation]. 84e Congrès de l’ACFAS, Montréal, Canada.

Woll, N. (2015, May 26-28). Investigating the role of metalinguistic awareness in positive lexical transfer from L2 to L3 : What can we learn from think-aloud protocols during a translation task? [Conference presentation]. Sixth International Conference of the French Cognitive Linguistics Association (AFLiCo 6), Grenoble, France.

Woll, N. (2015, June 3-5). The multilingual experience : Can individual factors related to multilingual usage predict metalinguistic awareness? [Conference presentation]. Thinking, Learning, Doing (TDL2), Groningen, Netherlands.

Woll, N. (2014, May 26-28). Isolating metalinguistic awareness as a predictor of positive transfer : Methodology and pilot study [Conference presentation]. The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA/CAAL), St.-Catharines, Canada.

Woll, N. (2012, March 8-9). Positive transfer in third language acquisition [Conference presentation]. XXVI Journées de linguisitique, Québec, Canada.