Hani Sarkis
Page personnelle

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tous
  • Philosophiae Doctor in Management (Ph.D.) 2012, Concentration Strategic Management and Innovation/Technology Management. Grade Excellent and Outstanding Thesis Award (2016) from the Joint doctoral program in Montreal: McGill - HEC Montreal - Concordia - UQAM.
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) with Honors, 2004. Grade Excellent. University of Quebec in Montreal.
  • Certificate of Advanced Marketing Management, 1998. Institute of Central America for business administration INCAE.
  • Master of Science in Engineering (M.Eng.) of Digital Networks and Data Communications 1994, University of Salford-Manchester.
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.Eng.) of Electronics and Telecommunications, with Honors, 1991. University of Helwan in association with Siemens Technical Academy.
Champ d'intérêt / Domaine d'expertise

Intersections of academic disciplines:

  • Strategic management
  • Technology and innovation management
  • Techno entrepreneurship

Specific research interests:

  • High technology industry research (Artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, Internet of Things, Blockchain, digital transformation, Industry 4.0, smart cities, 5G networks, ICT, big data analytics, quantum computing, aerospace, nanotechnology, biotechnology, advanced robotics, video gaming, virtual/augmented reality, simulation, electric vehicle, green hydrogen, defense/national security and Fintech.)
  • Disruptive innovations, technologies, business models and firms
  • Business model innovation and new high-tech startup and scaleup
  • Digital transformation of the manufacturing firm and the Industry 4.0 smart factory model
  • Digital, scientific and technology entrepreneurship (from lab to market)
  • National and regional systems of innovation
  • Technology clusters and industrial sectors
  • Entrepreneurial ecosystems
  • Technology commercialisation
  • Venture capital in high-tech products
  • Academic entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial university model
  • Industry-University collaboration
  • Science, technology and innovation government policies
  • Global competitiveness of nations based on science, technology and innovation
  • R&D Management and performance in high-tech industries and firms
  • Technical collaborations in high-tech projects
  • Innovation organisational culture and change management
  • High-tech growth (from new venture to scale up)
  • Born global high-tech ventures
  • Strategic alliances in high-tech industries
  • Mergers and acquisitions in high-tech industries
  • Multinationals high-tech firms


Professor Sarkis research and teaching interests lie at the intersection of the fields of strategic management, technology/innovation management and technology entrepreneurship. He is the director of the Strategic Management of Advanced Research on Technology and Innovation research lab SMARTI. His doctoral thesis entitled “Unraveling the process of creative construction / disruptive innovation and its impact on corporate strategy and the industry structure in turbulent ecosystems” received “Outstanding Thesis” in the recent history of the joint Ph.D. program in Montreal, offered by the universities of McGill, HEC Montreal, Concordia and University of Quebec. He has published his research in journals and conference proceedings and has received research grants. He is a former president and editor of the strategy and entrepreneurship sections and he has received the “Best Paper”, “Honorable Mention”, “Best Evaluator” and “Memorable Service” awards from the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada - ASAC, between 2012 and 2017.

Professor Sarkis has over 17 years of experience in the telecommunications and information technology industries. Prior to his academic career, he was an engineer, an entrepreneur and a leader on the digital transformation of the telecommunications industry. He had senior management positions at Nortel Networks, Verizon Communications, Bay Networks, AT&T, IBM and HDR, in the areas of strategic planning, business development, engineering and operations management, research and development, product marketing and program management. Multilingual, he worked in Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, South America, the Caribbean, the Middle East and Greece.

Liste des cours enseignés
Sigle Titre
ADM1016 Gestion stratégique des entreprises
ADM1084 Entrepreneuriat et nouveaux modèles d'affaires
DBA6950 Résidence en entreprise
DBA6960 Examen de synthèse
GAE1003 Entrepreneuriat et démarrage d'entreprises
GAE1031 Projet d'application en logistique II
GAE1037 Stage en innovation, entrepreneuriat et développement des affaires
GAE1038 Projet d'application en innovation, entrepreneuriat et développement des affaires I
GAE1039 Projet d'application en innovation, entrepreneuriat et développement des affaires II
GAE1043 Gestion stratégique de la technologie et des entreprises technologiques
GAE6004 Gestion stratégique des P.M.E.
MBA6003 Séminaire de recherche en entrepreneuriat et PME
MBA6005 Management stratégique
MBA6013 Activité de synthèse
Service à la collectivité

External contributions:

  • Committe member of the Fonds de recherche du Québec FRQnet for the evaluation of grant proposal submitted by young researchers in social sciences.
  • Elected Division Chair for the entrepreneurship and family business division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2015 – 2017.

  • Elected Division Chair for the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2012-2013.

  • Elected Program Chair for the entrepreneurship and family business division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2014 - 2015 and 2016 - 2017.

  • Elected Program Chair for the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2011 - 2012 and 2014 - 2015.

  • Editor for the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2009 - 2011 and 2013 - 2014.

  • Editor for the entrepreneurship and family business division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2013 - 2014.

  • Editor of the conference proceedings for the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2011.

  • Elected Vice President of Communications and member of the executive council of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2010 - 2011.

  • External evaluator for the HEC Montreal Research Chair International Strategic Management Walter J. Sommers, reporting to the office of the director for research and transfer at HEC Montreal. January 2015.

  • Member of the board of directors of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2012 - 2013.

  • Member of the organizing committee for the Montreal 2011 conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC).

  • Session Chair for the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 conference, Canada.

  • Session Chair for the entrepreneurship and family business division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2014, 2015, 2016 conference, Canada.

  • Session Chair for the case track division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2010 conference. Regina, Canada.

  • Session Discussant for the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2009, 2010, 2013 conference. Canada.

  • Coach for student Jean-Francois Lamy, for the national competition “Pierre-Péladeau 2010” with the Entrepreneurship Center of the University of Quebec in Montreal.

  • Contributing to the development of a seminar for ethical guidelines in research and publishing for the University of Quebec in Montreal, in collaboration with Prosper Bernard and Michel Plaisent, Montreal, 2009.

Internal contributions:

  • Member of the institutional committe on equality, diversity and inclusion EDI, January 2020-
  • Coordinator of the accreditation process (AACSB and EQUIS), UQTR, November 2015 – December 2016.
  • Head Coach for the academic competitions, UQTR, November 2015 - April 2017.
  • Member of the committee for the undergraduate degree programs, Business School, UQTR, January 2013 – May 2015.

  • Coach for the entrepreneurship student team at UQTR, 2012, 2013, 2016.

Publications – Refereed Journals

  • Sarkis, H. 2014. A cognitive perspective of decision making in acquisition programs: Insights from the high technology industry. Journal of Modern Project Management. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.29–41.
  • Sarkis, H. 2014. Factors related to R&D performance and technical collaboration in high technology projects. Journal of Modern Project Management. Vol. 2, No. 1, pp.63–71.
  • Sarkis, H. 2012. Entrepreneurship, acquisitions, and systems of innovation. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vol. 16, No. 3, pp.314–335.

Publications – Book Chapters Submitted to Refereed Journals

  • Sarkis, H. 2016. Le processus, contenu et outils de la stratégie dans le contexte des PME: Des chenilles aux papillons et David face à Goliath. Collectif de l'entrepreneuriat hier et demain. (Under review).

Publications – Manuscripts Submitted to Refereed Journals

  • Sarkis, H. Structuring and strategizing for national systems of innovation: A proposed research framework. Submitted to International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. (Under review)
  • Sarkis, H. Commonalities and differences in alliances and acquisitions research. Submitted to International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. (Under review)

Publications – Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Sarkis, H. 2015. The Structure of the Regional System of Innovation and the Emergence of the Entrepreneurial University Model. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2015, strategy division. Halifax, Canada, June 2015. Vol. 36, No 6.
  • Sarkis, H. 2015. The rise of the entrepreneurial university and its role within the system of innovation and the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2015, entrepreneurship and family business division. Halifax, Canada, June 2015. Vol. 36, No 21.
  • Sarkis, H. and Le Dinh, T., 2014. Ecosystems and knowledge management in knowledge intensive industries. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2014, strategy division. Muskoka, Canada, May 2014. Vol. 35, No 6.
  • Sarkis, H. 2013. The national system of innovation in the aerospace industry: Insights from the Brazilian and the Canadian aerospace clusters. Proceedings of the 8th Iberoamerican academy of management annual conference 2013, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 2013.
  • Sarkis, H. 2012. Structuring and strategizing for the national systems of innovation: The innovation value chain and the mesh topology. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2012, strategy division. St John's, Canada, June 2012. Vol. 33, No 6. (Received the honorable mention award from the strategy division at ASAC 2012)
  • Sarkis, H. 2011. Commonalities and differences in alliances and acquisitions research: Towards a synergistic research agenda. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2011, technology and innovation management division. Montreal, Canada, July 2011. Vol. 32, No 25.
  • Sarkis, H. 2011. The antecedents and consequences of techno entrepreneurship in a high velocity environment. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2011, technology and innovation management division. Montreal, Canada, July 2011. Vol. 32, No 25.
  • Sarkis, H. 2011. It's all about creative destruction: Disruptive technologies, innovations, platforms, systems and business models. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2011, technology and innovation management division. Montreal, Canada, July 2011. Vol. 32, No 25.
  • Sarkis, H. 2010. Unraveling the process of creative destruction and its impact on corporate strategy and industry structure. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2010, strategy division. Regina, Canada, May 2010. Vol. 31, No 6. (Received the best paper award from the strategy division at ASAC 2010)
  • Sarkis, H. 2010. Entrepreneurship, acquisitions, and national system of innovation: Insights from the high-technology industry. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2010, entrepreneurship and family business division. Regina, Canada, May 2010. Vol. 31, No 21. (Recognized as one of the best papers in 2010 by the entrepreneurship and family business division)
  • Sarkis, H. 2010. National systems of innovation: Integrating the innovation value chain and the mesh topology. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2010, technology and innovation management division. Regina, Canada, May 2010. Vol. 31, No 25.
  • Sarkis, H. 2009. A cognitive perspective of decision making in the high technology industry using causal mapping. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2009, strategy division. Niagara Falls, Canada, June 2009. Vol. 30, No 6.
  • Sarkis, H. 2009. Disruptive innovations and technologies and their impact on the telecommunication industry: An exploratory study. Proceedings of the administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2009, technology and innovation management division. Niagara Falls, Canada, June 2009. Vol. 30, No 25.
  • Sarkis, H, Michel Plaisent, and Prosper Bernard. 2009. Alliances and acquisitions in high velocity environments: In search for a grounding theory. Proceedings of the technology innovation and industrial management (TIIM) annual conference 2009. Bangkok, Thailand, June 2009. Pages S15 p 47-66 [ISBN=978-974-300-248-9].
  • Sarkis, H, Michel Plaisent, and Prosper Bernard. 2009. Strategy formulation in the high technology industry: The case of Cisco Systems, Nortel Networks and Lucent Technologies. Proceedings of the IAIT 2009 3rd international conference on advances in information technology. Dec 2009. School of information technology, King Mongkut's University of technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Sarkis, H, Michel Plaisent, and Prosper Bernard. 2009. The process and critical success factors of acquisitions in the high tech industries. Proceedings of the IAIT 2009 3rd international conference on advances in information technology Dec 2009. School of information technology, King Mongkut's University of technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand.
  • Sarkis, H. 2007. The use of “Decision Explorer” as a cognitive tool for causal mapping and decision making. Proceedings of the Informs group decision & negotiation conference (GDN) 2007. Mont-Tremblant, Canada, May 2007.

Publications – Proceedings in Refereed Conferences

  • Sarkis, H. 2014. Proceedings of the strategy division, Administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2014.
  • Sarkis, H. 2014. Proceedings of the entrepreneurship and family business division, Administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2014.
  • Sarkis, H. 2011. Proceedings of the strategy division, Administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC) annual conference 2011.

Presentations - Refereed Conferences

  • Sarkis, H. 2015. Project Strategic Management and Strategic Management of Projects: A Temporal Organizational Capability Perspective for Sustained Competitive Advantage. 2ème conférence international sur la gestion de projet: Gestion de projet moderne. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada, May 2015.
  • Sarkis, H., Séguin, M., 2014. La gestion stratégique de crise organisationnelle dans les PMEs. Conférence de l'association francophone pour le savoir 2014, Montreal, Canada, May 2014.
  • Sarkis, H., Séguin, M., 2014. Communiquer et gérer une crise, ça s'apprend! Conférence de l'association francophone pour le savoir 2014, Montreal, Canada, May 2014.
  • Sarkis, H. 2013. The forces and dynamics of innovation in the high technology industries: Insights and a proposed research agenda. 1st conference on the strategic management of technology and innovation 2013. University of Sherbrooke, Longueuil, Canada, December 2013.
  • Sarkis, H. 2013. Revisiting the pre-acquisition, implementation and post-acquisition phases in the high-technology industries. Conference of the administrative sciences association of Canada 2013, strategy division. Calgary, Canada, June 2013.
  • Sarkis, H. 2012. The moderating effect of entrepreneurship in the emergence of the acquisition and development strategy. Conference of the administrative sciences association of Canada 2012, strategy division. St John's, Canada, June, 2012.
  • Sarkis, H. 2009. Factors related to R&D performance and technical collaboration in the information technology industry. Conference of the administrative sciences association of Canada 2009, strategy division. Niagara Falls, Canada, June, 2009.

Symposiums in Refereed Conferences

  • Sarkis, H. 2015. Round Table Discussion: Topics of interests in Strategy and Entrepreneurship hosting Professor Shaker Zahra from the University of Minnesota. Conference of the administrative sciences association of Canada 2015, joint session of the strategy division and Entrepreneurship and family business division. Halifax, Canada, June 2015.
  • Sarkis, H, Laplume, A. and Etayankara, M., 2014. Past, present and future of strategy research. Conference of the administrative sciences association of Canada 2014, strategy division. Musloka, Canada, May 2014.
  • Sarkis, H, Laplume, A. and Etayankara, M., 2013. Special topics of interest in Strategy. Conference of the administrative sciences association of Canada 2014, strategy division. Calgary, Canada, June 2013.

Working Papers

  • Creative destruction and resistance to change: Antecedents, consequences and lessons learned from the telecommunications service providers.
  • Corporate values and the stakeholder model: A study of the telecommunications service provider Verizon Communications.
  • Modularity, open interface and platform leadership as a catalyst for convergence.
  • Open source and participative innovation in the telecommunications industry: The RFCs' process.

Invited Presentations – Non-refereed Conferences

  • Sarkis, H. 2015. Présentation du programme 'innovation, entrepreneuriat et développement des affaires' du programme de premier cycle à l'UQTR. Visite de la délégation française PÉPITES au Québec. UQTR, Novembre 2015.
  • Sarkis, H. 2015. Intégrer la stratégie, l'entrepreneuriat et la gestion de l'innovation dans l'enseignement des modèles d'affaire. Innovations pédagogiques, Enseignement de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'innovation : Journée de ressourcement pédagogique. HEC Montreal, Canada, August 2015.
  • Sarkis, H. 2015. L'importance de l'écosystème entrepreneurial pour fomenter l'apprentissage en entrepreneuriat et la création d'entreprise : Vers l'université entrepreneuriale. Innovations pédagogiques, Enseignement de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'innovation : Journée de ressourcement pédagogique. HEC Montreal, Canada, August 2015.
  • Sarkis, H. 2015. Using business model canvas for integrating strategy, innovation management, entrepreneurship and value creation. Startup Weekend Trois-Rivières. February 2015.
  • Sarkis, H. 2014. Towards a vision of an entrepreneurial university in UQTR: Innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. Office of the vice-rector of research and development. University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, Canada, December 2014.
  • Sarkis, H. 2014. Towards a vision of an entrepreneurial university in UQTR: Innovation, entrepreneurship and sustainability. Meeting of the strategic committee of the department of administrative sciences. University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, Canada, April 2014.
  • Sarkis, H. 2014. The challenges of creating an entrepreneurial ecosystem in a traditional research university. Conference of the EFMD on Entrepreneurship Education 2014. Babson College, Boston, February 2014.
  • Sarkis, H. 2013. The forces and dynamics of innovation and entrepreneurship in science based industries. Conference Midi de recherche of AGE-UQTR (Association générale des étudiants). University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, Canada, December 2013.
  • Sarkis, H. 2010. The challenges and opportunities of disruptive technologies in the context of a highly turbulent and uncertain environment: Insights from the high technology industries (in French). Conference of high technologies: turbulence, challenges and opportunities. HEC Montreal in collaboration with the University of Quebec at Outaouais, the Ottawa centre for research and innovation (OCRI), the Canadian advanced technology alliance (CATA) and the association of industrial research of Quebec (ADRIQ). May 2010, Montreal, Canada.
  • Sarkis, H. 2010. Unraveling the process of creative destruction and its impact on corporate strategy and industry structure. Conference de midi. School of business administration (ESG), University of Quebec at Montreal. May 2010, Montreal, Canada.
  • Sarkis, H. 2007. Alliances and acquisitions in turbulent and high velocity environments. School of business administration (ESG), University of Quebec at Montreal. October 2007, Montreal, Canada.

Technical Reports

Aligning the marketing strategy with the Web information system project. Executive committee, administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC), July 2011.

Strategic plan for the Web information system. Executive committee, administrative sciences association of Canada (ASAC), October 2010.

Books in Progress

Creative destruction and construction in the telecommunications industry – A fascinating story and lessons learned.

Prix et distinctions


  • Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis in the 40 years history of the Joint Ph.D. Program in Montreal offered by McGill University, HEC Montreal, Concordia University and the University of Quebec in Montreal, during the 40 years celebration of the Ph.D. program with over 800 graduates. Montreal, 2016, Canada.
  • Honorable Mention Paper Award from the strategy division at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conference 2012. St. John’s, Canada.
  • Best Paper Award from the strategy division at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conference 2010. Regina, Canada.
  • Best Reviewer Award from the strategy division at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conference 2011. Montreal, Canada.
  • Paper recognized as one of the best papers from the entrepreneurship and family business division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2010.
  • Second place award as coach for the innovation and entrepreneurship student team of the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières in the Business Games competition of Canadian universities, 2017.
  • Third place award as coach for the strategic marketing student team of the University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières in the Happening Marketing competition of Canadian universities, 2014.
  • Recognition of Ph.D. Student of Excellence from President Claude Corbo of the University of Quebec in Montreal and Dean Ginette Legault of the ESG Business School, for various scholarly achievements during 2009-2010. November 2010.
  • Listed on the List of Honors of the Joint Ph.D. Program of the University of Quebec in Montreal for 2010-2011.
  • Monetary award from the University of Regina at the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) conference 2010, Regina.
  • Dean’s research award 2010. University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
  • Doctoral research award 2010. University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
  • Doctoral research award 2009. University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
  • Doctoral research award 2007. University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada.
  • Master of Science in Engineering Award 1992-1994. Foreign and commonwealth office, United Kingdom.


  • Recognition of exceptional service as member of the executive council and vice president of communication from the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) 2012.

  • Recognition for Outstanding Reviews from the strategy division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) for 2009-2010.

  • Ranked top three finalists at the university level for the Teaching Excellence Award 2010, University of Quebec in Montreal.

  • Accepted in the eighth west coast technology entrepreneurship research symposium and doctoral workshop at the University of Oregon, USA, 2010 (by invitation only).

  • Accepted in the technology and innovation management doctoral consortium, Academy of Management 2010 meeting, Montreal, Canada (by invitation only).

  • Accepted in the business policy and strategy doctoral consortium, Academy of Management 2009 meeting, Chicago, USA (by invitation only).

  • Accepted in the technology and innovation management doctoral consortium, Academy of Management 2009 meeting, Chicago, USA (by invitation only).

  • Master of Business Administration with Distinction and Dean’s citation, 2004. University of Quebec in Montreal, Canada. Grade point average 4.1 (A+).

  • Bachelor of Science with Honors in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, 1991.

Scholarships and Grants

  • University of Quebec at Trois-Rivières, Research Institutional Funds (FIR), 2014-2015 ($5,540) received.

  • Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership 2014-2021: ‘Building a culture of sustainable innovation and entrepreneurship in Canada’, (2,494,245 $) rejected.

  • Quebec Fund for Research on Society and Culture (FQRSC) 2014-2018 Support for research teams: ‘From intention to retention: Towards a better understanding of an entrepreneurial career’, (287,840 $) rejected.

  • Quebec Fund for Research on Society and Culture (FQRSC) 2015-2018: ‘Business model innovation and value creation in turbulent ecosystems: Insights from the high-technology industries’, (45,000 $) rejected.

  • University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, Research Institutional Funds (High Potential Researcher) 2012-2014: ‘Business model innovation and value creation in turbulent ecosystems: Insights from the high-technology industries’ ($10,000) received.

  • USA Kauffman Foundation and University of Oregon travel grant, USA, 2010.

  • Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) travel grant, Canada, 2010.

  • Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) travel grant, Canada, 2009.

  • Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) travel grant, Canada, 2008.

  • Verizon’s Scholarship for the Certificate of Advanced Marketing Management. Verizon Communications, USA, 1997.

  • Chevening Scholarship for the Master of Science in Engineering. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, United Kingdom, 1992 – 1994.

Academic and Professional Affiliations
  • Strategic Management Society (SMS)
  • Academy of Management (AOM)
  • Academy of International Business (AIB)
  • Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC)
  • Strategy as Practice Group (SAP)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Industry and Professional Experience
  • Egydom International – Florida (USA) and Dominican Republic. Founder and President, System design and integration, 2002 – 2004.
  • Nortel Networks – New York, USA. Senior Director of Program Management, Data & Internet for the global telecom, 2001 - 2002.
  • Sarkis & Associates – Dominican Republic & Latin America. Founder and Principal Consultant, Consulting and business development, 1999 – 2001.
  • Verizon Communications – Florida, USA / Latin America. Director, Strategic Planning and Business Development, Jan 99 – Jun 99.
  • Verizon Communications – Florida, USA / Latin America. Senior Manager of Data and Multimedia Services, Marketing, Jul 97 – Dec 98.
  • Verizon Communications – Florida, USA / Latin America. Engineering Manager, Network design and operations, Jan 97 – Jun 97.
  • Nortel Networks – Maidenhead, United Kingdom. Product Line Manager, Marketing of Magellan multimedia networks, May 96 – Dec 96.
  • Nortel Networks – Maidenhead, United Kingdom. Marketing manager, Switching exchanges and Magellan data products, Jul 95 – May 96.
  • Bay Networks – United Kingdom. Technical Sales Support Manager, System integration and networks, Feb 94 – Jun 95.

  • AT&T – USA. Technical Education Consultant, Data networking, May 94–Dec 94.

  • IBM - Egypt. Technical Education Consultant, Data networking, May 94–Dec 94.

  • British Telecom, Manchester, United Kingdom. ISDN System Engineer, ISDN services, Feb 93–Jan 94.

  • Consortium HDR Consulting and Bakhoum, USA. Project Manager, Intelligent building technology and smart village, Aug 91 – Oct 92.