Ayi Ayayi
Page personnelle

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Tous
Ayi Ayayi
Langues parlées
  • Français
  • Anglais
  • Ph.D. Financial Economics (H.E.C., Montreal)
  • M.A in Economics (Université de Sherbrooke)
  • Licence es Sciences Économiques (Université du Benin, Lomé, Togo)
  • C SC®) Canadian Securities Institute (securities and mutual funds)
Champ d'intérêt / Domaine d'expertise

Development Finance

  • Microfinance and Rural Credit Finance
  • Poverty and inequality 

Financial Intermediation

    • Venture Capital and initial Public Offerings
    • Entrepreneurial Finance

    • Ayayi, Gavriel Ayi and C. Dali (2020) “Mentoring of Microcredit entrepreneurs” Accepted for publication at the Qualitative Research in Financial Markets

    • “Regulation, Outreach and Sustainability of MFIs in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Multilevel Analysis “Journal of Small Business Management, November 2019, Vol. 57(S2), pp. 200–217 with Frederick Nyanzu and James Atta Peprah
    • “Better with age? `The relationship between longevity and efficiency dynamics of nonprofit microfinance institutions” Quality & Quantity journal; September 2018, Volume 52, Issue 5, pp 2331–2343 with Mahinda Wijesir
    • “Cost implications of microfinance regulation: Lessons from Ghana” Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 2018, Vol. 8 issue 3, pp 259-274 with James A. Peprah
    • “Managing Co-creation Projects: The Service-oriented Perspective”, Journal of Modern Project Management, Jan/April, 2018, pp.100-107 with Thang Le Dinh, Manh Chien Vu and Théophile Serge Nomo
    • “Motivational Factors in International Nongovernmental Organizations in Vietnam.” In: Tan LM., Lau Poh Hock E., Tang C. (eds) Finance & Economics Readings. Springer, Singapore; 2018, Lead chapter of the book, pp1-25 with Nhung An
    • “Return to micro-credit on small scale businesses: A case study of Ghanaian MFI” Journal of International Development, 2016, vol.28 no 4 pp., 606–622 with James A. Peprah
    • (2016). “Optimizing the Effectiveness of HACCP in Agri- Food SMEs.” European scientific journal, 2016, Vol 12 (N°24): 18 - 32 with Goué. F, G. A.and P. Drogui
    • "Towards a Cyberinfrastructure for Social Science Research Collaboration: The Service Science Approach", in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing series, Springer Computer Science, 2015, Volume 201, pp. 36-49 with Thang Le Dinh and Théophile Serge Nomo
    • “Recent Developments in Microfinance and Beyond” AJBMR Australian Journal of Business and Management Research, 2015, pp 10--26 with Maty Sene
    • “Downscaling and upscaling lending for inclusive microcredit” (Lead Paper) International Journal of Economic Perspective, March 2014, Vol 8, Issue 1 pp 1-9
    • “Credit risk assessment in the microfinance industry: An application to a selected group of Vietnames microfinance institutions and an extension to East Asia and Pacific MFI”, Economics of Transition, 2012, volume 20(1), pp. 37-7212. Second paper in the Issue and most downloaded and read paper 2012
    • “Methodology for the Assessment of Potential Demand and Optimal Supply of Entrepreneurial Microcredit: Evidence from France” Review of Development Finance, April-June 2012, volume 2, Issue 2, pp. 84-92 with N Yusupov
    • “Micro-equity vs Micro-credit: the David and Goliath for Micro-enterprises” Economic Papers: A Journal of Applied Economics and Policy, June 2012,, Vol, 31, No.2, pp. 244-254
    • “Microfinance: A Time to Deliberate” Asian Economic and Finance Review, 2012 Vol. 2, No.3, pp.445-447, Lead paper
    • “Underpricing and long-term performance of auctioned IPOs: the Case of Vietnam” International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 2011, Issue 61, pp. 109-122
    • “What Drives Microfinance Institutions Financial Performance” The Journal of Developing Areas, 2010, Volume 44, Number 1, Fall 2010, pp. 303-324 with Maty Sene
    • “The European Union’s accounting policy analyzed from an ethical perspective: the case of petroleum resources, prospecting and evaluation” Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 2010, Vol 21, Issue 4, PP 329-341 with Noël. C. and V. Blum/li>
    • “L’autosuffisance des institutions de microfinance est-elle une nécessité ? Contributions à un débat clef de l’économie financière” Humanisme et Entreprise, 2009, no. 292, pp. 65-75 with C.Noël
    • “On Research and Development Financing Contract” Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 2009, vol. 9 No.4, pp.102-108
    • “Les lois de sécurité financière tuent-elles les marchés financiers ? Une comparaison du cas américain, canadien et français.” La Revue Française de Comptabilité, Juillet/Aout, 2007, pp. 20-25 with C.Noël
    • “Initial Public Offerings: Introduction of New Goods” Journal of International Finance and Economics,2007, vol. 5 no.1, pp. 104-112
    • 2005 “The 180-Day Lock-up and Insiders’ Equity Selling” Journal of Economics and Finance, Spring 2005, vol. 29 no.1, PP 32-45
    • “Public Policy & Venture Capital: the Canadian Labour-Sponsored Venture Capital Funds.” Journal of Small Business Management, July 2004, vol. 42, no.3, PP 335-345.
    • “The one Period Problem of a Monopoly Incentive Compatible Equity and Debt-linked Contracts” Luxembourg Economics Paper, fall 2004, no.18, PP 105-125.
    • “The Distinctive Features of the Venture Capital Market.” Gestion, Revue International de Gestion, Winter 2002, vol.26, no.4, PP 23-33.
    • “An incentive motivating and engaging remuneration of the microcredit officer”, 2019, with Follivi Klouste Ayevide
    • “Determinants of Microcredit interest rate: some implications for microenterprises”, 2018
    • “Mentoring of Microcredit entrepreneurs”, 2018 with chantal S. Dali
    • “Emergence of women’s entrepreneurship in local development processes: What are the key factors to consider in rural areas?”, 2018 with Chantal S. Dali and Serge Théophile Nomo
    Collaborations internationales en recherche et en enseignement

    Recherche -Africa Growth Institute in Cape Town, South Africa (2009) -Research Examiner at African Economic Research Consortium (AERC), Nairobi, Kenya (2008) -University of Stenllenbosch Business School, Cape Town, South Africa (2008)

    Subventions et Fonds de Recherche

    2020-2022 L’intégration socioéconomique des immigrants au travers d’une innovation sociale basée sur le microcrédit entrepreneurial dans la région non métropolitaine de la Mauricie" 

    Montant : 250 975 $ dont 200 000$ du Ministère de l’Économie, et de l’Innovation du Québec

    Organisme de financement : Ministère de l’Économie, et de l’Innovation du Québec et le milieu preneur

    2019- 2021     Enjeux de la valorisation des déchets plastiques sur le littoral ivoirien: cas de Grand-Bassam, ville patrimoine mondiale de l’UNESCO

    Montant 49 836$

    Organisme de financement AUF-FRQ

     2018-2020     Soutien à la mesure et à la vulgarisation de l’impact social du microcrédit à travers une plateforme

    Montant : 137 195$ dont 109 195$ du Ministère de l’Économie  et de l’Innovation du Québec

    Organisme de financement : Ministère de l’Économie, et de l’Innovation du Québec et le milieu preneur

    2017            Laboratoire vivant pour promouvoir la transformation numérique du marketing with T. LeDinh; M. Chien; T.S. Nomo; D. Crête; K. Dam ; B. Frederic et J.L Bernard

    Montant : 24,180 $

    Organisme de financement CRSH

    2016-2018      Projet d'accompagnement et de restructuration des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (P.M.E) du Cameroun with Theophile Serge Nomo et T. LeDinh

    Montant:  600000$ . 

    Organisme de financement: Gouvernement du Cameroun