Cyril Muehlethaler
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Cyril Muehlethaler
Titulaire de chaire de recherche
Chaire UQTR Jr sur les techno portables dans enquête forensique

Langues parlées
  • Français
  • Anglais

Postdoctoral fellow, City College of New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

PhD in Forensic Science, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Master of Science in Forensic Chemistry, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Champ d'intérêt / Domaine d'expertise

Science Forensique, Criminalistique, Microtraces, Chimiométrie, Microscopie, Spectroscopie

Forensic Science, Criminalistic, Microtraces, Physical evidence, Chemometrics, Microscopy, Spectroscopy

Liste des cours enseignés
Sigle Titre
CHI7400 Sujets de pointe en chimie physique
CHM1013 Introduction à l'assurance et au contrôle de la qualité en analyse chimique
NRG7703 Problèmes spéciaux III
SFC1014 Projet terminal et séminaire
SFC1025 Traces humaines
SFC1026 Microscopie et microtraces
SFC1028 Photographie scientifique
SFC6008 Science des données : traitement et visualisation des résultats forensiques


  1. M.Comanescu, C.Muehlethaler, J.R.Lombardi, M.Leona, T.A.Kubic, Competitive binding and interference investigations in surface enhanced Raman spectra of binary dye mixtures by use of silver colloids, Applied Spectroscopy, (2017)
  2. L.Gueissaz, T.Hicks, C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, Evaluation and examination of a possible shoe-polish trace in a hold-up case, Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine 2, 4 (2016) 233-244.
  3. C.Muehlethaler, John R.Lombardi, M.Leona, Sample self-absorption in Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS): influence of the resonance, dilution and depth of the measurements, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 48, 2 (2017) 647-652.
  4. C.Muehlethaler, K.Ng, L.Gueissaz, M.Leona, J.R.Lombardi, Raman and SERS characterization of solvent dyes: an example of shoe polish analysis, Dyes & Pigments 137 (2017) 539-552.
  5. C.Muehlethaler, M.Leona, J.R.Lombardi, Towards a validation of surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) for use in forensic science: repeatability and reproducibility experiments, Forensic Science International 268 (2016) 1-13.
  6. C.Muehlethaler, C.R.Considine, V.Menon, W.-C.Lin, Y.-H.Lee, J.R.Lombardi, Ultra high Raman enhancement on Monolayer MoS2, ACS Photonics 3 (2016) 1164-1169.
  7. D.Lambert, C.Muehlethaler, P.Esseiva, G.Massonnet, Combining spectroscopic data in the forensic analysis of paint: application of a multiblock technique as chemometric tool, Forensic Science International 263 (2016) 39-47.
  8. C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, T.Hicks Champod, Evaluation of Infrared spectra analyses using a likelihood ratio approach: a practical example of spray paint examination. Science & Justice 56, 2 (2016) 61-72.
  9. C.Muehlethaler, M.Leona, J.R.Lombardi, Review of Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering applications in Forensic Science, Analytical Chemistry 88, 1 (2016) 152-169.
  10. C.Jost, C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, Forensic aspects of the weathering and ageing of spray paints, Forensic Science International 258 (2016) 32-40.
  11. C.Weyermann, A.Daele, C.Muehlethaler, R.Voisard, Une question de temps: apprentissage par problèmes dans un cours de police scientifique, Revue Internationale de Pédagogie en Enseignement Supérieur 31, 1 (2015) 1-13.
  12. D.Lambert, C.Muehlethaler, L.Gueissaz, G.Massonnet, Raman analysis of multilayer automotive paints in forensic science: measurement variability and depth profile, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 45, 11-12 (2014) 1285-1292.
  13. C.Conti, J.Striova, I.Aliatis, E.Possenti, G.Massonnet, C.Muehlethaler, T.Poli, The detection of Copper Resinate pigment in works of art: contribution from vibrational spectroscopy, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 45, 11-12 (2014) 1186-1196.
  14. C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, P.Esseiva, Discrimination and classification of FTIR spectra of red, blue and green spray paints using a multivariate statistical approach, Forensic Science International, 244 (2014) 170-178.
  15. C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, P.Buzzini, Influence of the shaking time on the forensic analysis of infrared and Raman spectra of spray paints, Forensic Science International 237 (2014) 78-85.
  16. C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, M.Deviterne, M.Bradley, A.Herrero, I.Diaz de Lezana, S.Lauper, D.Dubois, J.Geyer-Lippmann, S.Ketterer, S.Milet, M.Bertrand, W.Langer, B.Plage, G.Gorzawksi, V.Lamothe, L.Marsh, R.Turunen, Survey on batch-to-batch variation in spray paints: a collaborative study, Forensic Science International 229(2013) 80-91.
  17. C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet, P.Esseiva, The application of chemometrics on infrared and raman spectra as a tool for the forensic analysis of paints, Forensic Science International 209 (2011) 173‐182.

Chapters in books

  1. C.Muehlethaler, L.Gueissaz, G.Massonnet, Forensic Paint Analysis, Materials Analysis in Forensic Science, edited by M.Houck, Academic Press (2016).
  2. C.Massonnet, L.Gueissaz, C.Muehlethaler, Paint Interpretation, Wiley Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences, edited by A. Jamieson & A.A. Moenssens. John Wiley and Sons (2014).
  3. C.Muehlethaler, L.Gueissaz, G.Massonnet, CHEMISTRY/TRACE │ Forensic Paint Analysis, Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences Second Edition, edited by J. Siegel & P. Saukko. Waltham: Academic Press (2013).

Posters and Presentations at International Conferences (selection)

  1. C.Muehlethaler, J.R.Lombardi, M.Leona, Why Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) might (or might not) greatly improve the way we analyze physical evidence. Oral presentation at the 21st triennal meeting of the international association of forensic science, Toronto, Canada (2017).
  2. Y.P.Cheng, C.Muehlethaler, S.Islam, J.R.Lombardi, Applications of Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy on Headlights and Drugs Identifications. Poster presented at the 21st triennial meeting of the international association of forensic sciences, Toronto, Canada (2017).
  3. L.Desautels, J.D.Taylor, F.Crispino, C.Muehlethaler, The Aardvark: A preliminary study in forensic trace evidence collection. Poster presented at the 21st triennial meeting of the international association of forensic sciences, Toronto, Canada (2017).
  4. C.Muehlethaler, Est-ce que le SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) peut améliorer notre façcon d'analyser les microtraces? Rencontre du groupe Fibres francophone, Montreal, Canada (2017).
  5. L.Desautels, J.D.Taylor, F.Crispino, C.Muehlethaler, Le systèeme Aardvark: une étude préliminaire sur la collecte des Microtraces. Rencontre du groupe Fibres francophone, Montreal, Canada (2017).
  6. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, Spray paints examination and multivariate statistics: the benefits of a common approach, Oral presentation at the Pattern, Impression and Trace Evidence Symposium, San Antonio (TX), United States (2015).
  7. C.Muehlethaler*, J.R.Lombardi, M.Leona, On the use of Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) in Forensic Science, Poster presentation at the Pattern, Impression and Trace Evidence Symposium, San Antonio (TX), United States (2015).
  8. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, Spray paints examination and multivariate statistics: the benefits of a common approach, Oral presentation at the 10th Annual Meeting of European Paint and Glass Group, ENFSI, Coventry, United Kingdom (2014).
  9. C.Muehlethaler, G.Massonnet*, R.Voisard, S.Lecloux, Interactive teaching and E-learning as complementary tools for forensic science students: an example with a microscopy Bachelor course. Oral presentation at the 22nd International Symposium on Forensic Sciences, Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia (2014).
  10. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, The benefits of multivariate statistics for handling spray paint cases. Oral presentation at the 22nd International Symposium on Forensic Sciences, Australian and New Zealand Forensic Science Society, Adelaide, Australia (2014).
  11. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, P.Buzzini, Forensic spray paint analysis: homogeneity and stability of batch production. Oral presentation at the 2nd doctoral summer school in forensic science and criminology, Zermatt, Switzerland (2013).
  12. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, Survey on infrared spectral comparison: contribution from EPG members. Poster presented at the 9th Annual Meeting of European Paint and Glass Group, ENFSI, Larnaca, Cyprus (2013).
  13. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet. Reducing the variability in infrared spectra of spray paints for forensic purposes. Oral presentation at the Chimiométrie 2012 Conference, Lille, France (2012).
  14. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, Forensic spectral comparison: towards a reduction of variability in spectra. Poster presented at the 1st doctoral summer school in forensic science and criminology, Arolla, Switzerland (2012).
  15. C.Muehlethaler*, A.Daele, R.Voisard, O.Ribaux, C.Weyermann*, A question of time: the benefits of a problem-based learning (PBL) approach to resolve dating issues. Oral presentation at the 6th European Academy of Forensic Science (EAFS) Conference, The Hague, Netherland (2012).
  16. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet*, M.Deviterne-Lapeyre, M.Bradley, S.Milet, M.Bertrand, W.Langer, J.Geyer Lippmann, S.Lauper, L.March, S.Ketterer, R.Turunen, V.Lamothe, A.Herrero, I.Diaz de Lezana. Paints: Survey on batch-to-batch variations 2011. Oral presentation at the 17th Annual Meeting of European Paint and Glass Group, ENFSI, Vilnius, Lithuania (2011).
  17. C.Muehlethaler*, G.Massonnet, P.Esseiva. The use of chemometric methods on Infrared and Raman spectra of household red paints. Oral presentation at the 15th Annual Meeting of European Paint and Glass Group, ENFSI, St‐Gall, Suisse (2009).
Collaborations internationales en recherche et en enseignement

Suisse, Université de Lausanne (2003)

Etats-Unis, City College of New York (2015)

Etats-Unis, John Jay College of Criminal Justice (2015)

Etats-Unis, Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York (2015)

Prix et distinctions

Meilleure présentation, 22nd ANZFSS conference, Education & Training

Prix de faculté, thèse de doctorat