Chercheurs principaux
Hamelin, Jean
0707 Tapan K. Bose
819 376-5011, poste 3598
Cours enseignés :
Formation :

Doctorat en sciences de l’énergie et des matériaux de l’Institut National de la recherche scientifique (INRS), 1996.

Maîtrise en physique de l’UQTR, 1991.

Baccalauréat en physique de l’UQTR, 1987.

Chercheur invité (postdoc) au National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), Physical & Chemical Properties Division, 1996- 1998.

Intérêts de recherche :

Nanomatériaux pour les piles à combustible de type PEM.


Quelques communications et publications :

R. Gervais Lavoie, M. Ouellet J. Hamelin, P. Bénard, “Numerical implementation of the multicomponent potential theory of adsorption in Python using the NIST Refprop database”, Communications in Computational Physics, accepted June 3th 2017.

S. Shahgaldi, J. Hamelin, "The effect of low platinum loading on the efficiency of PEMFC’s electrocatalysts supported on TiO2–Nb, and SnO2–Nb: An experimental comparison between active and stable conditions", Energy Conversion and Management 103, pp. 681-90 (10/2015).S. Shahgaldi, J. Hamelin, "Improved carbon nanostructures as a novel catalyst support in the cathode side of PEMFC: a critical review", Carbon 94, pp. 705-728 (2015).

S. Shahgaldi, J. Hamelin, "Stability Study of Ultra-Low Pt Thin Film on TiO2-C Core-Shell Structure and TiO2 Encapsulated in Carbon Nanospheres as Cathode Catalyst in PEMFC", Fuel 150, pp. 645-655 (2015).

Daouda Fofana et Jean Hamelin, “Low platinum, high limiting current density of the PEMFC based on multilayer cathode catalyst approach”, Energy 64(1), pp. 398-403 (2014).

Daouda Fofana, Pierre Bénard, et Jean Hamelin, “Modeling and experimental validation of high performance low platinum multilayer cathode for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel Cells (PEMFCs)”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 38(24), pp. 10050-62 (2013).

D. Fofana, S.K. Natarajan, P. Bénard, J. Hamelin, “High Performance PEM Fuel Cell with Low Platinum Loading at the Cathode Using Magnetron Sputter Deposition”, ISRN Electrochemistry, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 174834, 6 pages.

S.K. Natarajan, J. Hamelin, “High-performance anode for Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells by multiple-layer Pt sputter deposition”, Journal of Power Sources 195, pp. 7574-77 (2010).

S.K. Natarajan, J. Hamelin, “Electrochemical Durability of Carbon Nanostructures as Catalyst Support for PEMFCs”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 156(2), pp. B210-B215 (2009).

S. K. Natarajan, D. Cossement, J. Hamelin, “Synthesis and Characterization of Carbon Nanostructures as Catalyst Support for PEMFCs”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society 154(3), pp. B310-B315 (2007).

Sadesh Kumar Natarajan et Jean Hamelin, “Homogeneous Pt Deposition on Chemically Modified Carbon Nanostructures as Catalysts for PEMFCs”, Electrochimica Acta 52(11), pp. 3741-3757 (2007).

Étienne Bernier, Jean Hamelin, Kodjo Agbossou, et Tapan K. Bose, “Electric round-trip efficiency of hydrogen and oxygen-based energy storage”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 30(2), 105-111 (2005).

Kodjo Agbossou, Mohan Lal Kolhe, Jean Hamelin, Étienne Bernier, et Tapan K. Bose, “Electrolytic hydrogen based renewable energy system with oxygen recuperation and re-utilization”, Renewable Energy 29, pp. 1305-18  (2004).

Kodjo Agbossou, Mohan Lal Kolhe, Jean Hamelin, et Tapan K. Bose, “Performance of a Stand-alone Renewable Energy System Based on Energy Storage as Hydrogen”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion 19(3), pp. 633-40 (2004).

Kodjo Agbossou, Mohan Lal Kolhe, Jean Hamelin, et Tapan K. Bose, “Integrated stand-alone renewable energy system based on energy storage in the form hydrogen”, IEEE Canadian Review 44, pp17-20 (2003).

J.-F. Coursange, A. Hourri, et J. Hamelin, "Performance comparison between planar and tubular-shaped PEM fuel cells by three-dimensional numerical simulation", Fuel Cells - From Fundamentals to Systems 3(1-2), pp. 28-36 (2003).

M. Kolhe, K. Agbossou, J. Hamelin, et T.K. Bose, “Analytical model for predicting the performance of photovoltaic array coupled with a wind turbine in a stand-alone renewable energy system based on hydrogen”, Renewable Energy 28(5), pp. 727-42 (2003).

M. Fournier, J. Hamelin, K. Agbossou, et T.K. Bose, “Fuel cell operation with oxygen enrichment”, Fuel Cells - From Fundamentals to Systems 2(2), pp. 117-122 (2002).

K. Agbossou, R. Chahine, J. Hamelin, F. Laurencelle, A. Anouar, J.-M. St-Arnaud et T. K. Bose, “Renewable energy systems based on hydrogen for remote applications”, J. Power Sources 96(1), pp. 168-172 (2001).

F. Laurencelle, R. Chahine, J. Hamelin, K. Agbossou, M. Fournier, T. K. Bose, et A. Laperrière, “Characterization of a Ballard MK5‑E proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack”, Fuel Cells - From Fundamentals to Systems 1(1), pp. 66-71 (2001).

J. Hamelin, K. Agbossou, A. Laperrière, F. Laurencelle, et T.K. Bose, “Dynamic behavior of a PEM fuel cell stack for stationary applications”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 26(6), pp. 625-629 (2001).

K. Agbossou, J. Hamelin, R. Chahine, F. Laurencelle, J.-M. St-Arnaud, M. Dostie, A. Laperrière, et T. K. Bose, “Fuel cells and hydrogen storage for stand alone renewable energy system”, International Journal of Renewable Energy Engineering 2(3), pp. 254-259 (2001).

T. J. Buckley, J. Hamelin, et M. R. Moldover, “Toroidal cross capacitor for measuring the dielectric constant of gases”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 71(7), pp. 2914-2921 (2000).

J. Hamelin, J. B. Mehl, et M. R. Moldover, “The static dielectric constant of liquid water between 274 K and 418 K near the saturated vapor pressure”, International Journal of Thermophysics 19(5), pp. 1359-1380 (1998).

J. Hamelin, J. B. Mehl, et M. R. Moldover, “Resonators for accurate dielectric measurements in conducting liquids”, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 69(1), pp. 255-260 (1998).

J. Thoen, J. Hamelin, et T. K. Bose, “The specific heat capacity singularity and related weak anomalies in the critical binary mxtures nitroethane-cyclohexane”, Phys. Rev. E 53(6), pp. 6264-6270 (1996).

J. Hamelin, T.K. Bose et J. Thoen, “Critical behavior of the dielectric constant in triethylamine-water liquid mixture: Evidence of an intrinsic effect”, Phys. Rev. E 53(1), pp. 779-784 (1996).

J. Hamelin, B. R. Gopal, T. K. Bose et J. Thoen, "The intrinsic dielectric constant anomaly in isopycnic and non-isopycnic critical liquid mixtures”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74(14), p. 2733 (1995).

N. Rebbouh, J. Hamelin, T. K. Bose et J. Thoen, “Study of the electrical conductivity of four-component critical microemulsions”, J. Chem. Phys. 96(11), pp. 8470-8476 (1992).

J. Hamelin, T. K. Bose, et J. Thoen, “Dielectric constant and the electric conductivity near the consolute point of the critical binary liquid mixture nitroethane-3methylpentane”, Phys. Rev. A 42(8), pp. 4735-4742 (1990).

Prix et distinctions :

Hydrogenics Corporation, 1998-1999.

Professeur sous-octroi au département de physique de l’UQTR, 1999-2002.

Membre de l’Institut de recherche sur l’hydrogène (IRH), 1999- .

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