Le corps professoral
Guillemette, François

Écologie appliquée

3415 Léon-Provancher
819 376-5011, poste 3350

Cours enseignés :
Été 2024 Automne 2024
  • GEO6001 - Processus biophysiques et écologiques des environnements fluviaux

Formation :

2016 - Professeur Régulier - Dept. des Sciences de l'environnement, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Canada

2015 - 2016: Stage posdoctoral, Florida State University and National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida, USA

2012 - 2014: Stage postdoctoral, Uppsala Universitet, Suède

2013: Doctorat en Biologie, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

2004: Baccalauréat en Biologie, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada

Intérêts de recherche :

Quelques communications et publications :

Liste complète des publications disponible via Google Scholar

Van Stan, J.T., S. Wagner, F. Guillemette, A. Whitetree, J. Lewis, L. Silva, and A. Stubbins. (2017). Temporal dynamics in the concentration, flux, and optical properties of tree‐derived dissolved organic matter (tree‐DOM) in an epiphyte‐laden oak‐cedar forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. In press. doi:10.1002/2017JG004111

Guillemette, F., E. von Wachenfeldt, D. N. Kothawala, D. Bastviken, and L. J. Tranvik. (2017). Preferential sequestration of terrestrial organic matter in boreal lake sediments. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosciences. 122: 863-874.

Wünsch, U. J., C. A. Stedmon, L. J. Tranvik, and F. Guillemette. (2017). Unraveling the size-dependent optical properties of dissolved organic matter. Limnology and Oceanography. doi:10.1002/lno.10651

Guillemette, F., T. S. Bianchi, and R. G. M. Spencer. (2017). Old Before Your Time: Ancient Carbon Incorporation in Contemporary Aquatic Foodwebs. Limnology and Oceanography. In press.

Panneer Selvam, B., J.-F. Lapierre, F. Guillemette, and others. (2017). Degradation potentials of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from thawed permafrost peat. Sci. Rep. 7: 45811. doi:10.1038/srep45811

Mostovaya A, Koehler B, Guilemette F, Brunberg A-K, Tranvik LJ. (2016). Dissolved organic carbon reactivity continuum in lakes: links to chemical diversity and kinetics of degradation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. In press.

Panneer-Selvam B, Laudon H, Guillemette F, Berggren M. (2016). Soil frost alters the character and degradability of dissolved organic carbon in a boreal forest soils. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 121: 829-840.

Vachon D, Prairie YT, Guillemette F, del Giorgio PA. (2016). Modeling allochthonous dissolved organic carbon mineralization under variable hydrologic regimes: understanding the baseline production of CO2 in boreal lakes. Ecosystems. In press. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0057-0

O’Donnell JA, Aiken GR, Butler KD, Guillemette F, Podgorski DC, Spencer RGM. (2016). DOM composition and transformation in boreal forest soils: the effects of temperature and organic-horizon decomposition state. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 121: 2727-2744.

Guillemette F, McCallister SL, del Giorgio PA. (2015). The selective consumption and differential allocation of algal and terrestrial C define allochthony in lake bacterioplankton. The ISME Journal. 10: 1373-1382.

Guillemette F, McCallister SL, del Giorgio PA. (2013). Differentiating the degradation dynamics of algal and terrestrial carbon within complex natural dissolved organic carbon in temperate lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 118(3): 963-973.

Lapierre JF, Guillemette F, Berggren M, del Giorgio PA. (2013). Increases in terrestrially derived carbon stimulate organic carbon processing and CO2 emissions in boreal aquatic ecosystems. Nature Communications. 4.

Guillemette, F, del Giorgio PA. (2011). Reconstructing the various facets of dissolved organic carbon bioavailability in freshwater ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography. 56: 734--748.

Prix et distinctions :

Intérêts de recherche:

  • Écologie microbienne aquatique
  • Biogoéchimie du carbone
  • Métabolomique
  • Chimie environnementale
  • Pressions anthropiques
  • Isotopie


Liste complète des publications disponible via Google Scholar


Quelques publications:

Guillemette, F., T. S. Bianchi, and R. G. M. Spencer. (2017). Old Before Your Time: Ancient Carbon Incorporation in Contemporary Aquatic Foodwebs. Limnology and Oceanography. In press.

Mostovaya A, Koehler B, Guilemette F, Brunberg A-K, Tranvik LJ. (2016). Dissolved organic carbon reactivity continuum in lakes: links to chemical diversity and kinetics of degradation. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. In press.

Panneer-Selvam B, Laudon H, Guillemette F, Berggren M. (2016). Soil frost alters the character and degradability of dissolved organic carbon in a boreal forest soils. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 121: 829-840.

Vachon D, Prairie YT, Guillemette F, del Giorgio PA. (2016). Modeling allochthonous dissolved organic carbon mineralization under variable hydrologic regimes: understanding the baseline production of CO2 in boreal lakes. Ecosystems. In press. doi:10.1007/s10021-016-0057-0

O’Donnell JA, Aiken GR, Butler KD, Guillemette F, Podgorski DC, Spencer RGM. (2016). DOM composition and transformation in boreal forest soils: the effects of temperature and organic-horizon decomposition state. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 121: 2727-2744.

Guillemette F, McCallister SL, del Giorgio PA. (2015). The selective consumption and differential allocation of algal and terrestrial C define allochthony in lake bacterioplankton. The ISME Journal. 10: 1373-1382.

Guillemette F, McCallister SL, del Giorgio PA. (2013). Differentiating the degradation dynamics of algal and terrestrial carbon within complex natural dissolved organic carbon in temperate lakes. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 118(3): 963-973.

Lapierre JF, Guillemette F, Berggren M, del Giorgio PA. (2013). Increases in terrestrially derived carbon stimulate organic carbon processing and CO2 emissions in boreal aquatic ecosystems. Nature Communications. 4.

Guillemette, F, del Giorgio PA. (2011). Reconstructing the various facets of dissolved organic carbon bioavailability in freshwater ecosystems. Limnology and Oceanography. 56: 734--748.


26 juillet 2024 20 h 09